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Bluest Eyes in Texas - Book 1 Page 3

  Chapter 3

  Makenzie awoke to her mother shaking her. “Makenzie, wake up. I need your help.” Makenzie opened her eyes and looked at the clock. It was 8:15.

  “What’s up, mom?” she asked as she rubbed her eyes and stretched.

  “The new nanny is having a hard time getting Mia to warm up to her. I was thinking that maybe you could help her out a bit.”

  “Yeah mom, sure. Just let me get dressed and have a quick breakfast.”

  “Okay, honey. Thank you. Just try to hurry though because I have to leave in thirty minutes to pick your father up from the airport.”

  Makenzie climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and her hair. Then she rifled through her drawers and found an outfit suitable for playtime. She quickly dressed in a light blue tank top and a pair of jean short overalls. She ran downstairs where Maria was making eggs. She poured a cup of coffee and grabbed a plate of eggs and brought it back upstairs to her room. After finishing her breakfast, she sat at her vanity and put on some make-up.

  As Makenzie walked down the hall, she heard Mia arguing with the nanny in the playroom. She walked into the room just as Mia was slapping Anna in the face. “It’s mine and you can’t touch it!” Mia wailed. Makenzie looked over at Anna. She looked young, probably about Makenzie’s age. She had long, light brown hair that was pulled back in a tight ponytail and a sweet face.

  “Mia, stop it right now.” Makenzie yelled as she grabbed Mia’s hand and smiled over at Anna. “Hi, Anna. I’m Makenzie. I’m here to help you.”

  “Oh thank you.” Anna smiled and looked relieved.

  “Mia, this is Anna. She’s a friend. She’s here to play with you.”

  Mia just crossed her arms over her chest and gave Anna a not so friendly look. “I have an idea.” Makenzie said. “Why don’t the two of us take Mia to the big park in the center of town? This way she can get used to you while I’m there and she’ll have other children to play with.”

  “That sounds great. Thank you.” Anna said.

  “No problem. Let me just grab a bag we can put some snacks in and then we’ll go.”

  Makenzie picked Mia up and went to her room to grab a bag. Then she carried her into the kitchen with Anna following and grabbed a few packages of Teddy Grahams and three juice boxes and put them in the bag.

  They walked out the front door and out by the Mercedes Guardian.

  “Can you reach in the backseat and grab the car seat?” Makenzie asked as she opened the car door.

  “Sure.” Anna replied. Anna picked up the car seat and followed Makenzie to the Mustang. Anna strapped the car seat in. Makenzie tried putting Mia into the car seat, but she kept thrashing about trying to get down.

  Caleb was walking by as Makenzie struggled with Mia. Makenzie didn’t even notice him. He stood on the side of the large tree trunk and watched her. Just look at her all in a tizzy! He laughed as he smiled to himself.

  Finally Makenzie was able to get Mia belted into her car seat. Oh my God! What is wrong with this kid today? She thought. She grabbed one of the bags of Teddy Grahams out of the bag, opened it, and handed it to Mia. Then she started the car and turned on the radio. “Mia likes rock music. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No, not at all.” Anna turned and smiled at Mia. “ I like rock music too.”

  Mia smiled back and giggled. Good, Makenzie thought.

  She pulled her car around the circular drive and out through the security gates and headed in the direction of the park.

  “I love this car.” Anna said.

  “Me too.” Makenzie giggled. “My parents just bought it for me last month.”

  Makenzie pulled the car by the curb and parked. Her and Anna got out of the car and Makenzie got Mia out of her car seat. Makenzie and Anna each grabbed one of Mia’s hands and walked up to the park. Well at least she’s letting Anna hold her hand. Makenzie looked over at Anna. She smiled. Anna looks a little more relaxed now. She looked scared to death earlier. Poor girl!

  Makenzie and Anna played with Mia for what seemed like hours. They took her up and down slides and pushed her on the swings. They even played in the sand with her. A group of kids was starting a game of tag and they invited Mia to join. She happily agreed. “Bye, Mak.” She said as she kissed Makenzie’s cheek. Then Mia walked over to Anna. “Bye, Anna.” She said as she kissed Anna’s cheek. Both girls looked at each other and smiled.

  “Ahhh, she kissed me.” Anna said.

  “So I saw.” Makenzie said. “I think she’s starting to warm up to you. I think you guys will be just fine.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  Makenzie and Anna chatted for a while. Makenzie learned that Anna was just a year younger than her and had worked as a nanny since she graduated high school in order to save money for college. She also told Makenzie about how nervous she was about a date she had that night with a boy she just met before taking the job. Makenzie offered to help Anna get ready for her date.

  Makenzie looked at her watch. “We best be heading back now so we don’t miss lunch.” She said as she got up off the grass and called for Mia. Mia came running.

  Makenzie belted Mia into her car seat with no problems this time. She looked over at Anna, who was looking at them and smiling. Makenzie threw her keys at Anna. “Here. You’re driving back.”

  “Oh no, I couldn’t drive your car.”

  “No. I insist. Besides if you do good maybe I’ll let you take my car for your date tonight.”

  “Really?” Anna screeched with excitement.

  “Yep. Now get in. Come on. I don’t want to miss lunch.” Makenzie laughed. Just then her stomach growled. “See!”

  Both girls giggled.

  Back at the house, Makenzie’s parents were home from the airport. They had a really nice lunch together. “So how was Chicago, Dad?” Makenzie asked.

  “Oh, you know, business as usual.” Dad replied. Anna sat at the table and helped Mia with her lunch.

  “Anna, you can have off earlier this evening. Michael and I are going to have dinner with a business colleague of his. They have a child Mia’s age, so we’ll be taking her with us. We’ll be leaving at 5:00, so we’ll need you to have her ready by then.” Natasha said.

  “Sounds great. No problem, Mrs. Adams.” Anna replied.

  After lunch, Makenzie, Teddy, Anna, and Mia went out by the pool. Makenzie looked out by the staff rooms, but didn’t see anyone. “So, how do you like your room, Anna?” Makenzie asked.

  “Oh its great.” Anna replied. “Much nicer than the last one I stayed in.”

  “Which one is yours?”

  “Mine is the second room from the left.”

  “So have you met the other staff yet?”

  “Yes. Last night when I was moving my stuff in.”

  “So what do you think of them?”

  “They were all very welcoming. Adriana and Caleb helped me move my stuff in.”

  “That’s great.” Makenzie smiled. “So whose rooms are next to yours?”

  “Well to the left of me is Adriana. To the right of me is Caleb. And Maria’s is on the right corner before the laundry room.”

  So the third room down is Caleb’s. Makenzie thought as she stared at his room.

  “I want to go in the pool.” Mia said.

  “Okay, honey.” Anna said as she took off her swimsuit cover up. “Makenzie, are you coming too?”

  Makenzie looked at her watch. It was almost 2:00. “No. I have to go inside to change for my workout with Tony. I’ll see you guys later. Have fun.”

  “See you later.” Anna replied.

  Makenzie looked back and saw Teddy playing around in the pool with Anna and Mia. Teddy probably has a thing for the nanny. Looks like she might be interested in him too. He is quite the ladies man! Makenzie laughed to herself. Makenzie was lost in he
r own thoughts and not looking where she was going when she ran into someone. Her shoulder was right against his bare chest. She looked up and into Caleb’s eyes. Her heart began to pound rapidly. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered, embarrassed, as she looked down.

  Caleb lifted her chin with his finger and stood gazing into her eyes. His stare was intense. Makenzie finally found the strength to turn her face away. She looked down, and slowly walked away, muttering “Sorry” under her breath.

  Caleb turned and watched her walk away, mistaking her silence as snobbery. She hates me. Probably thinks I’m not good enough for her. Maybe I’m not. He thought to himself. When she was out of sight, he turned toward the pool area and saw Teddy with Anna. Now I’m really confused. Isn’t this the same guy that was playing around in the pool with Makenzie yesterday?

  Mia grew tired of swimming in the pool and wanted to go inside. Teddy offered to watch Mia while Anna went to her room to change into some dry clothes. He waited for her by the pool as he toweled Mia off. As Anna headed to her room, Caleb appeared from around the corner of the staff building. Anna jumped. “Geeze, Caleb, you scared me!”

  “What were you doing over there with Makenzie’s boyfriend?” Caleb asked as he glared at her accusingly. “It would serve you right to get fired!”

  Anna laughed as she wrung out some more water in her hair. “Boyfriend? That’s not Makenzie’s boyfriend.”

  “I saw them together in the pool yesterday.”

  “No, that’s her….” Anna started to say. She stopped mid-speech to look at him. “Wait a minute. You like her, don’t you?” She continued to look Caleb over. “Yeah, you do.” She giggled.

  “No. I don’t. It doesn’t matter anyway. She would never be with me.”

  Anna got the feeling that Caleb was offended by her giggling so she stopped. “That guy you saw her with is her uncle Teddy. And why wouldn’t Makenzie want to be with you?”

  “Because she bloody hates me. That’s why. Probably doesn’t see me fit to wipe her shoes.”

  “I know you must think that due to our line of work, but Makenzie is different. She’s very nice, Caleb. If you like her, you should talk to her.”

  Caleb remained silent a few moments as if pondering what Anna had just said. “But what would I say?”

  “Ah hah! I knew it. You do like her!” Anna exclaimed as she pointed her finger at him. Caleb blushed crimson and quickly turned away. “Just be yourself.” Anna called after him.

  Makenzie finished her grueling hour-long workout with Tony and went up to her room for a while to read. Scott tried calling her, but she hit the ignore button on her cell phone. She started thinking of Caleb. I don’t think he likes me much. He never says anything to me. Just stares. Makenzie thought it over for a while and decided she would try to talk to him tonight if she saw him. If he refused, she would demand to know what his problem was. She looked at the clock. It was already 5:30. My parents and Mia should be gone already. I should go see Anna. I told her I would help her get ready for her date.

  Makenzie walked out to the staff rooms and knocked on Anna’s door. She jumped when she heard another door slam and turned to look. Caleb had just come out of his room.

  “I don’t think she’s in there.” He said as he stared at Makenzie.

  “What?” Makenzie had been lost in thought when she first saw him and hadn’t quite heard what he said.

  “Anna. I don’t think she’s in there.”

  “Oh.” Makenzie stared back at him and held his gaze.

  “Can I help you with something?”

  “Um. Well I haven’t eaten yet and I wanted to see if she wanted to grab a bite with me.”

  “I reckon she’ll probably be eating on her date.”

  “Oh. Right. Right.” Makenzie said as she nodded her head. “Well, okay then. Have a good night.” Makenzie said as she smiled and turned to leave.

  Caleb lightly grabbed her arm. “Wait.”

  Makenzie turned around and looked at him. “Yes?”

  “Well I’m going to be starting a barbecue here shortly for me, Maria, and Adriana. You could join us if you want.”

  “I would love to.” Makenzie replied.

  “Okay.” Caleb said and smiled. “Well I was just going to the patio now.”

  Makenzie followed Caleb to the patio, staring at his butt as he walked. Oh my God, she thought. Is this really happening? She felt really nervous. Caleb picked up the bag of charcoal and dumped some into the barbecue. “Do you need any help?” she asked.

  “Well if you like, you could go to my room and get the burgers out of my freezer. And there’s buns on the counter.” Caleb said as he dug his keys out of his pocket and handed them to her.

  Makenzie walked to Caleb’s room and grabbed the items. She looked around. She saw a photo on the nightstand and went to look at it. It looked to be a picture of Caleb as a young boy with a young woman. His mother, perhaps? Makenzie put the photo back and headed for the door. When she returned to the patio Maria was sitting at the picnic table and Adriana was putting out a stack of paper plates and some condiments.

  “Hello.” Makenzie said and smiled. Both ladies said hello as Makenzie took a seat next to Adriana, who sat across from Maria at the table. Makenzie made small talk with the staff as she watched Caleb at the barbecue.

  Anna was walking by when she noticed Makenzie, so she walked over and sat down next to her. “Hey, Makenzie. What’s up?” she asked as she looked at Makenzie and then over at Caleb. Caleb gave Anna a look that said ‘Don’t you dare!’. Anna giggled and turned her attention back to Makenzie.

  “Oh right, your date. What time are you leaving?” Makenzie asked.

  “Not until 7:00. Do you think you could help me find something nice to wear?”

  Makenzie looked at her watch. It was only 5:50. “How much longer on those burgers, Caleb?”

  “Almost done.” He replied.

  “Okay. Well why don’t you go up to my room and check my closet. I’ll meet you up there when I finish eating.”

  “You’re going to let me borrow your clothes?” Anna asked with excitement.

  “Of course. It’s no big deal. My friends and I do it all the time. You look to be about my size. My room is to the left of the grand staircase. Last door on the right.”

  Anna got up and threw her arms around Makenzie. “Oh my God, thank you! Thank you so much!”

  Makenzie smiled and hugged her back. When she turned back to the table everyone was looking at her. “What?”

  Adriana and Maria looked at each other. “It’s just that we’ve never worked for anyone like you before.” Adriana said.

  “What did I say? Did I say something wrong?” Makenzie said in a low voice as she bit her lower lip.

  “Oh, honey, no.” Maria said. She reached across the table for Makenzie’s hand. “Its just that you’re so nice. My old employers wouldn’t get caught dead fraternizing with the help, let alone befriending them.”

  Adriana shook her head in agreement. “The last family I worked for I wasn’t even allowed to make eye contact with unless I was directly spoken to.”

  “That’s horrible.” Makenzie said as she shook her head in disgust.

  “Well its very refreshing to work here after working for that Hank Jones.” Adriana said as she made a face.

  That’s Scott’s family, Makenzie thought as she recalled her date with Scott and how snooty she thought he was. Caleb brought a platter of burgers to the table and set it down. Then he took a seat at the picnic table across from Makenzie. Makenzie grabbed a paper plate, bun, and burger and set about dressing it with ketchup and mustard. She looked up to see Caleb staring at her again. She dropped her gaze and bit off a small piece of her burger.

  “Its very good, Caleb. Thank you.” She said as she grabbed one of the sodas Maria had brought out, opened it and took a drink. “You don’
t talk much do you, Caleb?”

  Caleb lowered his gaze down to his plate and Makenzie could see him blushing slightly. Makenzie nudged his leg with her foot from underneath the table. He looked up at her again. She smiled at him playfully. “I was thinking that I should like to go riding tomorrow.” Makenzie said between bites. “Right before lunch. I’ll need you to get my mare ready for me.”

  Caleb nodded silently.

  “Okay. I’ll meet you at the stables tomorrow around 11:30,” Makenzie said.

  When everyone finished eating, Makenzie began helping Maria clear the table. “Well I better get going so I can help Anna get ready.” She said when they were done. “I promised her I would. Thank you all for letting me eat with you.” She turned to Caleb. “The burgers were wonderful. Thank you.” Makenzie stood there a few moments longer, smiled over at Caleb and began walking away. “Good night everyone. Enjoy your evening.”

  Makenzie looked at her watch. It was almost 6:30. She jogged to the house and ran up the stairs to her room. Anna was inside trying on Makenzie’s clothes.

  “What do you think?” she asked, as she looked at herself in the full-length mirror. Makenzie looked her over. She was wearing a pair of white Capri pants with a black silk tank top.

  “You look great.” Makenzie said. “What size shoes do you wear?”

  “I wear a 7 ½”.

  “So do I.” Makenzie replied as she walked toward the closet. “Come here. I have a pair of shoes that would go great with that.”

  Anna followed Makenzie into the walk-in closet and sat on the bench. Makenzie rifled through her shoe racks until she came across the shoes she was talking about. She handed the black satin opened-toed heeled sandals to Anna. “Here. Try these.”

  The shoes fit Anna perfectly. She took one last look at herself in the mirror. “Wow. Thanks, Makenzie.” Anna said as she turned to check her butt in the mirror. “So how was your barbecue?”

  “Oh it was great. Caleb’s a wonderful cook.” She giggled.

  “So what do you think of him?” Anna asked.

  “I don’t think he likes me much.” Makenzie frowned as she played with Anna’s hair and thought about how little Caleb actually talked to her.

  “Oh I think he likes you just fine.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Well he confronted me earlier and asked me what I was doing with your boyfriend.”

  “Huh?” Makenzie asked, looking confused.

  Anna smiled. “He saw me with Teddy in the pool and thought that Teddy was your boyfriend.”

  Makenzie still looked confused. Then a look of recognition crossed her face, which quickly turned to a look of disgust. “Oh. Ewww! That’s my uncle!” She laughed. “So, did Caleb say anything about me?”

  “Oh he’ll kill me if I tell.” Anna laughed.

  “Come on, Anna. Please?” Makenzie put her hands together as if in prayer, and whimpered like a puppy.

  Anna giggled. “Well he just said that you hate him and that you would never be with someone like him. You know, someone without money.”

  That’s ridiculous, Makenzie thought to herself. “That’s not true.”

  “Well you better be going. Here.” Makenzie said as she handed her car keys to Anna. “Have fun. But not too much fun.” She giggled.

  Anna hugged Makenzie. “Thank you.”

  Makenzie walked with Anna out to her Mustang and waved as she drove away. She retired to her room once Anna was gone and replayed their earlier conversation in her mind. Hmmm.