Bluest Eyes in Texas - Book 1 Read online

Bluest Eyes in Texas

  Book 1

  by S.A. Tadej

  Copyright © 2012 by S.A. Tadej

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  To my daughter and my mother for their love and support

  Chapter 1

  Makenzie Adams cranked the volume up on the radio in her new canary yellow Mustang Cobra as she drove down the country road. Just ahead of her in a black Mercedes Guardian was her parents and her little sister, Mia. Makenzie sang along with the radio until she felt her cell phone vibrate in her lap. She turned the radio down and grabbed the phone. The caller id showed that it was her mother calling.

  “Hello.” Makenzie said.

  “Hey, it’s mom. Are you hungry?”


  “Well there’s a diner a few miles up the road on the right. Pull in and we’ll stop for a quick bite.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Okay, see you in a bit. Love ya!”

  “Love you too, mom. Bye.”

  Makenzie turned the radio back up, slammed her foot down on the gas, and passed her parents, sticking her hand out the window and waving as she did. A few minutes later she pulled into the parking lot at the diner. I probably look like hell. I’m so tired from driving all day, Makenzie thought as she reached across the passenger seat for her purse. She flipped the visor down and looked in the small mirror. Not too bad, she thought as she gazed at herself in the mirror. She found some makeup in her purse and did a quick refreshening.

  Makenzie was beautiful, with big, bright blue eyes and long, thick eyelashes. She had high cheekbones and a cute little nose. Her skin was smooth and flawless. Her hair was light blonde and fell in long, loose ringlets to the middle of her back. She smiled to herself, revealing two rows of perfectly straight, white teeth. Everyone always told Makenzie that she could be a model, but she just laughed it off.

  Makenzie flipped the visor back up, put her keys in her purse and got out of the car. Her parents and sister were walking toward her. She noticed that her mother was giving her the ‘I’m not happy’ look. Uh oh! Makenzie thought as she bit her lower lip. It was a habit she had whenever she was nervous. Mia ran to Makenzie.

  “Big Mak!” she called.

  “Muppet!” Makenzie called back as she lifted her sister up, kissing her cheek. “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes. My tummy hurts.” Mia replied.

  “Oh it does, does it?” Makenzie teased as she played with Mia’s long blonde curls.

  “What was that?” Her mother asked.

  “What was what?” Makenzie answered, giving her best look of innocence.

  “You know perfectly well what I’m talking about young lady. Your driving back there!”

  “Oh are you upset that I passed you and dad?” Makenzie giggled.

  “There will be no more of that, you hear?”

  “No more of that young lady.” Mia mimicked.

  “Yes, mother.”

  Makenzie, with Mia still in her arms, and her parents walked into the diner. It was really crowded for a Sunday night. A cheery, bright-eyed young woman greeted them. “Howdy! How y’all doing this evening?” She asked.

  “Fine.” Mom answered.

  “Would you like a table or a booth?”

  “A booth would be great.” Mom and dad answered in unison.

  “Right this way please.”

  Makenzie and her family followed the cheery hostess to their booth and sat down to look at their menus. “So how much longer until we reach our new home?” Makenzie asked.

  “Oh I’d say about another hour or so.” Dad replied.

  “Good because my neck is starting to get sore from all the driving.” Makenzie replied. She felt someone looking at her and turned her head to look.

  “Hi! I’m Robert and I’ll be your waiter this evening. Can I get you some drinks?” The man stammered and dropped his notepad. He quickly bent to pick it up. When he stood back up he was blushing and looked really embarrassed.

  Makenzie felt sorry for him, so she smiled at him. “I’ll have a Coke.” she answered. Robert smiled back at her and got everyone else’s drink orders. Her mom chuckled. “What?” Makenzie asked.

  “I think the waiter has a thing for you.” Dad said.

  “Shut up. He can hear you.” Makenzie whispered across the table. Mom just chuckled. “You know what? You all suck! I’m going to the bathroom.” Makenzie said as she shook her head and stood up.

  As Makenzie passed the counter, she heard a few whistles and a few ‘hey baby’s’. Typical men. She just smiled to herself and kept walking. When she got back to the booth, Robert was standing there taking everyone’s order. “And what can I get for you?”

  “Um, I’ll have the country fried steak, with mashed potatoes and a garden salad.” Makenzie replied. Her and her family made small talk while they waited for their food. “I can’t believe you made me move when I only had one semester of college left. And you know I wouldn’t stay behind and leave Mia.” Makenzie said as she smiled at her little sister.

  “Makenzie, we talked about this already.” Her father replied. “My company is relocating to Texas. I had no choice. This is a huge promotion for me.”

  “I know, dad. It’s just that I’m going to miss all my friends in Oklahoma.”

  “Well think of it this way, if you hadn’t gotten into trouble, you would have been done with college. Plus, it’s a new start for all of us.” Mom said. “And besides, Uncle Teddy will be staying with us for a while, so you’ll have him to talk to.” Makenzie smiled as she thought of her Uncle Teddy. At twenty-four, he was just three years older than her. They had been close since she was little and he had always felt like a big brother to her.

  “Well we better be getting back on the road.” Dad said when everyone finished eating. He laid money on the table and stood up. “Makenzie, you follow us,” he said as he gave her a stern look.

  “Yes, sir.” Makenzie replied.

  A little over an hour later, they arrived at their new home. Makenzie drove her Mustang through the white iron security gates that enclosed their new property and around the circular drive and parked. She looked up at the gigantic white house. Looks like a giant dollhouse. How fitting for Barbie and Ken, Makenzie thought to herself as she thought of her good-looking parents. Her mother, Natasha, was only thirty-nine, but looked like she was still in her twenties. She was tall and beautiful, with big green eyes and long, blonde hair. She had a slim, athletic build to her, much like Makenzie. Everyone always thought she was Makenzie’s sister rather than her mother. Her father, Michael, was forty-two, but also looked much younger. He was tall at 6’2, with light brown hair and Makenzie’s dramatic blue eyes. He had a muscular build to him and a natural tan.

  The movers were already there carrying furniture in the front door. This is going to take a while. Makenzie shrugged and got out of the car. She walked to her dad’s Mercedes to help Mia out of the car. “Come on, squirt, lets go see the backyard.” She said as she lifted Mia out of her car seat, set her on the ground, and grabbed her tiny hand.

  Makenzie couldn’t believe her eyes as she rounded the corner into the backyard. There was a huge in ground swimming pool and a tennis court. Across from the tennis court was a motel style building that would house the help. On the other side of the staff building were the stables, which held several horses, including Makenzie’s favorite, a w
hite mare. The yard also had a large garden area with stone benches, an arbor covered with climbing roses and a huge variety of summer flowers. It’s so beautiful. It’s like paradise on earth. Her eyes kept scanning until they fell upon a park area with a big sand box, swings, slides, and monkey bars.

  “Oh wow!” Mia exclaimed.

  Makenzie laughed. Mia must have found the park too, no doubt. “Come on, kiddo. I’ll race you to the swings.” Makenzie said as she took off running.

  “Wait! Wait!” Mia cried.

  Makenzie ran back to Mia, picked her up, and ran with her to the swings. “As if I would actually leave you.” Makenzie laughed. She put Mia on a swing and gently pushed her. After she got her off to a good start, she jumped on the swing next to hers. The two girls swung for a while. Then Makenzie decided to go see the inside of the house.

  Makenzie picked Mia up and carried her to the house. When she came in the front door she gasped with excitement. Holy crap! Look at the size of the foyer. Wonder how big the rest of the house is. Their last home had been big and extravagant, but nothing close to the likes of this. Must have been some promotion dad got, she thought as she looked around. There was a huge double staircase with ornate wrought iron railings on both sides leading upstairs. The stairs must be four feet wide. This is so cool. “Let’s check out the main floor, shall we?” Makenzie asked.

  “Yeah!” Mia replied enthusiastically.

  Makenzie looked down at the beautiful marble floor and walked to the right of the grand staircase to the first room, which was the great room. It was beautiful, with white marble floors and a built in marble fireplace. There was a huge entertainment system donning a 103” flat screen TV. Must be that special TV mom was talking about that she had to order from California, Makenzie thought. In front of the TV was a white leather sectional sofa with beige and white pillows and a white washed marble coffee table, with matching end tables. There were huge double paned windows in the center of the room.

  The next room they came to was the exercise room. It was filled with state of the art equipment. Bolted to the wall across from the equipment was a huge flat screen TV. Large mats covered the floor to the right. In the corner was a stereo system with floor speakers. Floor to ceiling windows overlooked the backyard. A separate door led to a shower room. Inside the shower room was another door that led outside by the pool.

  Makenzie and Mia left the room and walked down the hall to see what was on the other side of the staircase. The first room on the left was a formal dining room. It had gorgeous hand painted silk wall coverings. There was a large crystal chandelier hanging above the ivory Italian classic dining set. The table and chairs had an intricate rose design hand painted with real melted gold. There was a matching china cabinet and corner cabinet. Large windows outlined the whole room.

  Next they went to the kitchen. It was gigantic. It was done in a black and white color scheme. The floors were white marble. The cabinets were white with black marble countertops. A rounded area with floor to ceiling windows housed the kitchen nook, which had a round glass-top table with black leather chairs.

  Next door to the kitchen was the laundry room. Nothing exciting there. It had the traditional washer and dryer. There was also a large walk in closet that held all the cleaning supplies, vacuum, etc. There was a separate door that connected the laundry room to a huge six-car garage.

  Makenzie walked back to the staircase. She saw her mother and handed Mia to her. “Can you show me which room is mine?” she asked.

  “Yeah it’s the bathroom and your bed is the toilet.” A male voice said.

  Makenzie spun around to see her uncle Teddy laughing. “Very funny, Teddy.” Makenzie said as she rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

  Mom and Mia giggled.

  “Stop making faces at me and give me a hug.” Teddy said. He opened his arms and enfolded Makenzie in a big bear hug.

  “How’s my car?” Her mother asked Teddy.

  Teddy drove mom’s white Ferrari from Oklahoma so that mom and dad could make the trip together.

  “Oh its great, Natasha. Thanks for letting me drive it.”


  Mia yawned.

  “Come on. I’ll show you girls your rooms.” Mom said.

  “I’ll see you girls later. I’m going to help the movers.” Teddy said as he turned and walked toward the front door.

  Makenzie followed her mother and Mia up the stairs and her mother turned left. “The master suite and the study are to the right. Your and Mia’s rooms are to the left here. This is Mia’s room.” Natasha said as they entered the room.

  The room was very large and pretty. The walls were painted light pink with white trim. There were huge double windows in the center.

  “Where’s my bed, mommy?” Mia asked.

  “Oh sweetie, the movers are still moving all our furniture in. It’ll be there soon.”

  They left the room and kept walking. “This is going to be Mia’s playroom.” Mom said when they arrived at the next door. They peeked inside. This room was also very large. It looked much like Mia’s bedroom, with light beige carpeting, and huge double windows in the center. The walls were painted a pretty pastel purple and there were fairies painted on the walls in various places. On the floor were several boxes marked “Playroom”.

  “Mommy, its soooo big!” Mia exclaimed with excitement.

  “I know, sweetie. Just think of all the tea parties you can have in your new playroom.”

  Makenzie looked at her mom and her little sister and smiled.

  “Okay let’s go see Makenzie’s room now.” Mom said.

  “Yes. Lets! The anticipation is killing me.” Makenzie remarked as they walked to the next room. Makenzie flipped on the lights and gasped. “Oh my God. I love it!” she exclaimed as she walked around. Her walls were painted pastel blue with white trim. She had two huge double windows that overlooked the side of the house. Hanging from the windows were white lace drapes. The floor was the same light beige carpeting that Mia had. She opened her closet door. It was huge inside. Like a small room really. Wow. Makenzie closed the closet door and walked over to a set of French doors and opened them. There was a nice sized balcony that overlooked the backyard. She walked out onto the balcony and looked around. She had a great view of the pool and the garden areas.

  Makenzie came back in and noticed another door in her room and opened it. Inside was her very own bathroom. “No way! Mom, my own bathroom!” Makenzie shrieked. The floor was a beautiful marble. There was a separate whirlpool tub and walk in shower. And of course a toilet and a sink. This is so great! Makenzie thought. “Mom, I love it. Its perfect!” Makenzie said as she hugged her mother.

  “I knew you’d love the colors. That’s why I chose them when I flew out here a few weeks ago to do some remodeling before we moved in.” Mom replied.

  Just then two very handsome young movers came in with Makenzie’s king sized bed. They left and soon returned with her dresser, mirror, and nightstand. There were already a bunch of boxes on the floor marked “Mak”.

  “Okay just a few rooms left to see.” Mom said. They left Makenzie’s room and Natasha pointed out three guest bedrooms across the hall that overlooked the front yard. Then they crossed to the other side of the staircase to see the study and the master bedroom. The master bedroom was much like Makenzie’s room, except larger. Her parents had a balcony overlooking the backyard also.

  When mom finished giving the tour, she left with Mia. Makenzie decided to go to her new room and start unpacking. She found some of her clothes and decided to change out of her cutoff jean shorts. She found some comfy old gray sweat pants and a white t-shirt and quickly changed. Suddenly she realized how tired she felt. Makenzie grabbed her cell phone out of her purse and looked at the time. It’s already 11:30 at night. No wonder I’m so tired, Makenzie thought as she stifled a yawn.
  She found the boxes containing her pillows, white silk sheets, and white eyelet comforter and made up her bed. She walked over to the windows and pulled the shades down. Then she climbed into bed. She heard a knock on her door. “Come in.” She called out. Her mother came in carrying Mia. She had fallen asleep.

  “Mia’s bed hasn’t been moved yet. Do you mind if she sleeps in here with you?”

  “Of course not. Just set her down here.” Makenzie said as she pulled the covers back. “I was just thinking of going to sleep myself.”

  “Thanks, sweetie.” Mom said as she tucked Mia in next to Makenzie. She gave them both a kiss on the forehead and left the room.

  Makenzie awoke with Mia sitting on top of her, prying her eyelids open and staring intently. “You little weirdo.” Makenzie said as she gently picked Mia up off of her and sat her down next to her. Is it morning already? She grabbed her cell phone and looked at the time. It was already 9:00 a.m. Wow I slept for a long time! “Come on, kiddo. Lets go get you some breakfast.”

  Makenzie got out of bed and took Mia downstairs to the kitchen. Mom was in the kitchen unpacking boxes of dishes. “Good morning, mom.” Both girls said.

  “Hey girls. Your dad went out this morning and got some donuts. Help yourselves. There’s milk in the fridge.”

  “Thanks, mom.”

  “I want a jelly donut.” Mia whined.

  “Hold on, muppet.” Makenzie replied. She got two napkins off the table and put a jelly donut on one and gave it to Mia. She picked a lemon filled powdered donut for herself and put it on the other napkin. Then she went to the cupboard and got out two glasses and filled them with milk. She set one down in front of herself and gave the other one to Mia. “Here you go, squirt.”

  “Thanks, Big Mak.”

  “So how’s the unpacking going, mom?” Makenzie asked.

  “Oh boy! At this rate I should be done in a year or so.” Natasha laughed. “No, actually it’s coming along pretty good. Uncle Ted helped me unpack Mia’s room this morning. I was thinking that once you’re done unpacking your room, you could help with the playroom. I want to finish unpacking the kitchen.”

  “Sure, mom. No problem.” Makenzie said as she took a big bite of her donut. “When is the help coming?”

  “Well actually the service is sending over a few applicants this afternoon for me to interview.”

  “That’s cool. With the size of this place you’ll need all the help you can get.” Makenzie laughed.

  “Uncle Ted is helping your dad unpack the master suite. I was thinking I could send him out to do some grocery shopping.” Mom said.

  “Mom, no offense, but I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Uncle Ted has no taste.” Makenzie joked.

  “Well, honey, I really can’t spare the time to do it myself today and the only thing we have right now is milk and donuts.”

  “I could do the shopping. Just let me finish eating and take a quick shower.”

  “I was kind of counting on you to watch Mia for me though.”

  “That’s okay. I’ll take her with me if you can get her ready.”

  “Okay. But no driving fast or crazy.”

  “Mom, please. I’m a great driver.” Makenzie said. Natasha just raised her eyebrows and stared at Makenzie for a few moments. “Okay. Okay. I promise.”

  Makenzie downed the last of her milk and ran upstairs to her room to take a shower. She came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and sat on the floor by the boxes. Crap now I have to try to dig something out to wear. I can’t wait until I’m all unpacked and organized. She dug through the boxes until she found one that had shorts in it, since it was going to be almost 100 degrees outside. She pulled out a pair of cutoff jean shorts and continued rifling through boxes until she found one containing summer shirts. She pulled out a plain white tank top. Now I just need to find some panties. Soon she found the box containing her undergarments. She picked out a pair of white lace panties and matching bra. She put her clothes on her bed, toweled off and got dressed. Then she went into the bathroom to brush and blow-dry her long blonde hair. She put on a little bit of make-up and took a quick glance in the mirror. Okay. Lots to do today. Let’s get going, Makenzie.

  Makenzie slipped on a pair of flip-flops and grabbed her keys, cell phone, and purse and headed down the stairs. Her mother was sitting in the living room with Mia, putting her hair up in two high ponytails. “Almost ready?” Makenzie asked.

  “Just about.” Mom answered. She finished wrapping the second rubber band around Mia’s ponytails. “Okay. All done.”

  “Are you ready to do some shopping, kiddo?” Makenzie asked.

  “Can we get chocolate pudding?” Mia asked.

  “Sure, muppet. Lets get going so we can get back and finish unpacking.”

  “Oh honey, wait.” Mom interrupted as she got up off the couch. “Before you go, I want you to come with me to the staff quarters to make sure the rooms for the help are up to par.”

  Makenzie and Mia walked with Natasha to the motel-style building. It was one-story white stucco and housed four separate rooms, each with its own separate keyed entry, and a laundry room at the corner. The front of the building faced the pool area. Each room looked exactly the same. There was dark brown carpeting and beige walls. Each room had a queen-sized bed topped with a crème colored bedspread, a small wood nightstand topped with a lamp, and a matching dark wood dresser. Bolted to the wall across from the bed was a 32” flat screen TV. There was a small walk-in closet, a kitchenette with a small round wood table with two chairs, and a bathroom. Each room also had a big bay window covered with crème colored drapes.

  “Mom, these rooms are really nice.” Makenzie said.

  “Thanks. You really think so?” Mom asked.

  “Of course. The rooms are very spacious.”

  “Walk with me to the end here.”

  Makenzie followed her mother. At the end of the building was a small patio area with a picnic table and a barbecue. Behind the patio area was a large garage, which housed the vehicles that the staff would be allowed to use. There was a brand new silver Chevy Suburban SUV and a brand new black Chevy Silverado pickup truck. “What do you think?” Mom asked.

  “I think they’re nice.” Makenzie replied.

  “Good. I hope the new staff will like everything.” Mom said as she nervously bit her lower lip.

  “Its great, mom. Well I’m going to go do the shopping now.” Makenzie said as she took Mia by the hand and led her out to the circular drive. She reached in the Mercedes and grabbed out Mia’s car seat and put it in her Mustang. She belted Mia in and got behind the wheel. She turned the key and turned the radio on. “Country or rock?” she asked Mia.

  “Rock.” Mia answered.

  “Rock it is.” Makenzie turned the stations until she found a rock station and turned the volume up slightly. She put the car in drive as they both sang along to the radio. Well Mia tried to sing along.

  Before long they reached the supermarket. Makenzie parked the car and grabbed a cart. She put Mia in the front of the cart and walked into the store. Great, a new store. I don’t know where anything is. Makenzie thought. I’ll just start with the first aisle on the right and go down each aisle.

  Mia started to get cranky after a while. Now I know why mom doesn’t usually take her to the store with her. I thought tantrums were supposed to be the terrible twos. Mia is four. What gives! “I want ice cream!” Mia shouted.

  “Okay. Calm down. I don’t know where the ice cream is. We have to find it.”

  “I want ice cream NOW!” Mia screamed louder.

  “Oh yeah, well I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!” Makenzie started singing as she gave the cart a quick push and jumped on the bottom rack, riding on the cart. Mia laughed and started singing along. Great. It’s working.
Makenzie thought. Just then she rounded the corner with their cart. Smack. Right into a man that was squatting down to get something off a lower shelf. Great. How embarrassing. I knocked him straight on his ass. “I’m sorry, sir.” Makenzie said as she grabbed the man’s arm to help him up.

  “Why don’t you watch where you’re….” The man started to say as he spun around. His expression quickly changed and he smiled at Makenzie. “Hi. I’ve never seen you around here.”

  “Well we just moved here yesterday from Oklahoma.” Makenzie said.

  “You fell on your butt.” Mia giggled.

  Makenzie shushed her. He’s kind of cute! Makenzie thought to herself as she looked into his big hazel eyes. And I just made the biggest goon out of myself. Way to go, Makenzie.

  “Yeah I guess I did.” The man laughed as he continued to stare at Makenzie.

  “My name is Scott.” He said as he put his hand out.

  Makenzie shook his hand. “Makenzie. And this is my sister Mia.”

  “Nice to meet you both.” He said as he shook Mia’s little hand. Mia just giggled. “Listen, since you’re new here, how about I take you out sometime and show you around?” Scott asked.

  “Sure. That would be nice.” Makenzie replied.

  “Okay. Well let me see your cell phone. I’ll program my number in for you.” Scott said.

  Makenzie found her cell phone in her purse and gave it to him. I can’t believe this is really happening! My first day in Texas and I already made a friend.

  “Okay. All done.” Scott said as he handed her phone back. He grabbed his own cell phone out of his pocket. “Why don’t you give me your number too?”

  Makenzie started telling him her cell number, but was interrupted by a loud screech. “What about my ice cream?” Mia wailed, waving her arms about dramatically.

  “Sshhh. Hold on, sweetie. In a minute.”

  “Okay. But I’m NOT happy.” Mia replied as she crossed her arms over her chest and exhaled loudly.

  “Geeze kiddo. Okay, my number is 555-0126.” Makenzie said again.

  “Got it.” Scott replied as he typed the numbers into his cell phone. “Well I’ll be calling you.”

  “Okay. Take care. And I’m sorry again for hitting you with my cart.”

  “No problem. See you soon. Oh, and Makenzie?”


  “Welcome to Texas.” Scott grinned.

  Makenzie smiled and walked away. More like welcome back to Texas! She thought as she tried to recall her time in Texas as a little girl. She was lost in her own thoughts until she heard Mia start wailing again. “Okay. Okay. I’m sorry, muppet.”

  Mia just pouted her lips, arms still crossed over her chest dramatically. Makenzie quickly found the freezer section.

  “What kind of ice cream do you want?”

  “Chocolate.” Mia happily responded.

  Makenzie grabbed some fudgsicles and a couple containers of chocolate ice cream and put them in the cart. She quickly finished shopping and got in the checkout line. The cashier rung up her items and Makenzie paid with the credit card that her parents had given to her for such errands. Then she walked out to her car.

  She put Mia in her car seat, opened the box of fudgsicles, and took one out to give to Mia. “Here you go. Chocolate. Now you can be nice again.” Makenzie teased as Mia licked the fudgsicle.

  “I want vanilla chocolate!” Mia screamed as she shook the fudgsicle and a glob of it went in Makenzie’s hair.

  “Well that’s too bad.” Makenzie said as she looked for a Kleenex in her purse to wipe her hair.

  Makenzie walked to the back of the car to put the grocery bags in her trunk. She heard a car pull up behind her. She turned to look and saw Scott in a black Cadillac Escalade. He beeped and waved. Makenzie smiled and waved back.

  When Makenzie arrived home, her mother was in the kitchen interviewing a woman for the nanny position. Good luck. Makenzie thought as she recalled how terrible Mia was in the store.

  “Excuse me, mom.” Makenzie interrupted with Mia in her arms. “I have to bring in the groceries. You’ll have to take Mia.”

  “What’s all over her face?” Natasha gasped.

  “Its just ice cream. Mia threw a fit in the store, so I had to give her a fudgsicle on the way home.”

  Natasha rolled her eyes as she got up to get the dishcloth to wipe Mia’s face. Great. Now mom’s giving me the look that says I’m incompetent. Makenzie thought as she walked toward the door.

  Makenzie brought the grocery bags inside with the help of Uncle Teddy and put everything away. “Well I’m going upstairs to unpack.” She said over her shoulder as she walked out of the kitchen. She heard her mother start to stop her, but she pretended not to hear her and kept walking.

  Once upstairs Makenzie closed her door and turned on her stereo. She began unpacking all her clothes and putting them into her dresser and closet. I have way too many clothes. She thought to herself. When she finished unpacking she remembered what her mother had said about helping unpack the playroom. It’s going to have to wait. I’m starving. Makenzie looked at the clock. It was already 2:30. No wonder I’m so hungry. She ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. Her mother was conducting another interview. Makenzie made a quick ham and cheese sandwich with extra mayonnaise and took a bite. Then she heard the doorbell ring.

  “Makenzie, can you get the door please?” Her mother asked.

  “Sure.” Makenzie replied between bites.

  “Oh and honey, please don’t talk with food in your mouth. It’s disgusting.”

  Makenzie just shook her head and laughed quietly as she walked toward the front door.

  When she opened the door she couldn’t believe her eyes. Standing there was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. He was tall in stature with broad shoulders. His jaw looked like it was chiseled out of stone. Hell, this man’s whole body looked like it was chiseled out of stone! His thick hair was a soft brown with long layers in front and just up to his shoulders in the back. His big brown eyes held an irresistible glitter. His skin was nicely tanned and his hands were weathered like those of a common laborer. He wore a pair of brown trousers and a tight white t-shirt that barely contained his muscles.

  “Hi. My name is Caleb. The agency sent me over.” The man said quietly as he smiled shyly and offered his hand. Makenzie noticed that he spoke with a slight English accent, much like herself. She swallowed hard as she looked at him and accepted his hand.

  “Hi. I’m Makenzie. My mother is conducting another interview right now. Come in and you can wait in the dining room.” Makenzie said as she led Caleb to the dining room. “I’ll let my mother know that you are here. Why don’t you have a seat?” Makenzie turned to leave and almost collided with Caleb. She didn’t realize he was right behind her. Their eyes locked. She breathed hard. Oh I just want to kiss him. She thought. He reached out his hand and lightly touched her upper lip with his fingertip. Makenzie stared at him.

  “Sorry. You had a little something right here.” He whispered as he touched a finger to his own lip.

  Oh my God, the mayonnaise! How embarrassing! “Thank you.” Makenzie whispered. Then she turned and walked out of the room, her heart beating wildly from the encounter.

  Caleb’s heart raced as he watched Makenzie walk away. He sat at the dining room table in silence waiting for his interview. There was something about her; something special behind them deep blue eyes that had already begun to haunt him. He felt it right away, in the depths of his very soul. No woman had ever affected him this strongly before, and he doubted another one ever would again. He had to find out more about her.

  “Mom, your next interview is here. He’s waiting in the dining room.” Makenzie called as she walked into the kitchen. She grabbed her sandwich and went upstairs to her room, stealing another glimpse of Caleb on her way. She turned the TV on, plopped down on her
bed and resumed eating.

  The rest of Makenzie’s day went by in a blur. She helped unpack the playroom, had a tea party with Mia, and made a spaghetti dinner for everyone. By the time she was done with the dishes it was 8:30. Makenzie decided to take a nice hot bubble bath to relax and unwind. She lit some candles and added some of her favorite bubble bath, lavender vanilla, to the tub. She laid back in the tub, put a washcloth over her face, and started thinking about the handsome stranger. Caleb. There was something about those big brown eyes. The way he looked at her. She felt instantly connected to the handsome stranger. She was interrupted by a knock on her bathroom door. “Yeah?” Makenzie asked.

  “Just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie?” Teddy asked.

  “Sure. Give me a few minutes. I’ll be right out.”

  “Okay. Well I’ll wait for you in the great room.”

  “Okay. I’ll try to hurry up.”

  Makenzie quickly toweled off and slid her long pink nightgown over her head. She brushed her hair and headed downstairs. Teddy was already sitting on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn. She noticed two cans of soda sitting on the coffee table. “Sit down.” Teddy said as he patted the seat next to him. “It just started like ten minutes ago, so we didn’t miss much.”

  Makenzie sat down and opened her soda. She reached over and grabbed some popcorn. “So how long are you staying, Teddy?”

  “Forever.” Teddy joked. “I don’t know. Its so much nicer here than where I live. Michael and Natasha said I could stay as long as I want, so I was thinking that I might stay for the summer and then go back and look for a job.”

  “That would be awesome. I love hanging out with you. But what about all your girlfriends back home?” Makenzie teased.

  “I was down to just one girlfriend.” Teddy laughed. “Me and Carmen broke up a few weeks ago.”

  “Now which one was that?”

  “She was the red head.”

  “Oh okay. I think I remember her. What happened?”

  “Sshhh. Watch the movie.” Teddy said with a smirk.

  “Okay fine. But you better tell me later.”


  “What do I gotta do, beat it out of you?” Makenzie joked as she made a fist.

  “Oh please. I can bench press more than your body weight.” Teddy laughed.

  Makenzie looked Teddy over with his dark blonde hair, his broad shoulders, and his baby blue eyes. Although he was pretty muscular, he looked more like a model than a fighter. She laughed at the mental image of her and Teddy fighting. “You used to tell me everything.”

  “Okay fine. Then will you shut up?”

  “Yeah it could happen.” Makenzie teased.

  “Well I caught her cheating on me with my best friend.”

  “Wow. I’m sorry. That sucks.” Makenzie said softly as her expression saddened.

  “Shut up.” Teddy laughed.

  Makenzie laughed too.

  “Hey, wasn’t Carmen the one with the big ass?” Makenzie joked.

  “Oh my God. I thought you agreed to be quiet if I told you what happened?”

  “No. I said it could happen. Not that it would. The emphasis was on the word could.”

  Teddy laughed. “You’re so terrible.”

  “So was she?”

  “Yes.” Teddy laughed. “I could park my jeep in the shadow of it. Okay?”

  They both burst out laughing.

  “Baby got back I guess.” Teddy continued.

  “Or you could say that she had a lot of junk in her trunk. Isn’t that the big booty slang these days?” Makenzie teased.

  “You should talk.” Teddy said. “Who was that guy you dated that you always had to ride in the backseat cuz his dog rode shotgun?”

  “Danny Masters.” Makenzie laughed as she thought about Danny and his dog, Toby. “That dog had a serious attitude problem. It’s not that Danny wanted to put me in the backseat. It was that his dog demanded to be in front.” Makenzie giggled.

  “What ever happened to him?” Teddy asked.

  “I don’t know. I think he married his dog.”

  They both laughed.