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Bluest Eyes in Texas - Book 1 Page 5

  Chapter 5

  Makenzie awoke and looked at the clock. It was 9:30 already. She had had a fitful sleep the night before and hadn’t fallen asleep until well after 1:00. She stretched and got out of bed. She went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on her face, then went out onto her balcony. She eyed Caleb working in the garden area and watched him for a while. His face turned toward her on the balcony. He shielded his eyes from the sun and looked up at her and grinned. She smiled and waved to him. Then, remembering that she was in her nightgown, she went back inside.

  Makenzie ran down into the kitchen. She had missed breakfast with the family, so she just made herself a cup of coffee and some toast and headed back upstairs. She took a sip of her coffee and got dressed. Then she took her breakfast out onto her balcony so she could watch Caleb while she ate.

  When she finished her breakfast, she put on some make-up and took a look in the mirror. Her cell phone rang. The phone display showed that it was Scott. Oh God. He’s probably calling about his party tonight. Makenzie thought it best to answer the phone so that he didn’t keep trying to call her all day.


  “Hey, Makenzie. It’s me, Scott.”

  “Hi, Scott. How are you?”

  “I’m doing just great. I’ve been trying to call you the past few days. How come you haven’t returned any of my calls?”

  “I’m sorry, Scott. I’ve just been busy with just moving in and all.”

  “That’s what I figured. I mean I knew it couldn’t be me or anything.” Scott laughed.

  “What do you want, Scott?”

  “Well today is Friday and well I don’t know if you remember my telling you or not, but I’m having a party at my house tonight. I was wondering if you were still coming or not? I could pick you up.”

  I never said I was coming. Makenzie thought. “I do have my own car, Scott. But I don’t think I’ll be able to make it tonight. I’ve been feeling a little under the weather.” Makenzie lied. Scott paused a few moments. “Scott? Are you still there?”

  “Yes. Okay. Well I hope you feel better. I’ll call you later.” Scott said and quickly hung up before Makenzie could say anything else.

  Makenzie hung up the phone, relieved that he seemed to buy her little white lie. It wasn’t a complete lie after all. She was feeling a little ill at not being able to tell her parents how she felt about Caleb. Makenzie shrugged it off and decided to go outside and talk to him. He was no longer out by the garden, so she walked toward his room and knocked on the door.

  Caleb opened the door and pulled her inside, quickly pulling the door closed behind them. He gazed lovingly at Makenzie and lightly touched her cheek with his fingertips. Makenzie started breathing hard. He pulled her close and gave her a soft kiss on her mouth and then pulled her into a hug. “I thought about you last night.” He said. “At first I thought it a dream, but now here you are.”

  “I thought about you too.” Makenzie confessed. “I was looking for you. I thought maybe we could go back to the wildflower field for lunch again.”

  “I have to go clean the stalls and feed the horses now. I may be a little later than yesterday.”

  “That’s okay.” Makenzie laughed. “I just woke up a while ago.”

  “Well, well, sleeping beauty. I shall go with you just as soon as I can break away for a bit.”

  “And I shall bring the lunch this time.” Makenzie said as she looked up at him and smiled. She kissed his cheek and turned toward the door. Caleb lightly grabbed her arm. She turned around and smiled sweetly. He pulled her close and kissed her long and hard, entangling his fingers in her hair. He smiled wickedly when the kiss finally broke off. “I’ll see you later.” Makenzie said as she blew him a kiss. Caleb pretended to catch it and then put the hand containing the ‘air kiss’ to his heart and grinned.

  “Bye.” He said. Makenzie smiled as she walked away. She’d been doing a lot of smiling lately.

  Caleb had been busy cleaning the stables when he heard the familiar roar of Makenzie’s Mustang. He looked at his watch. It was 11:00. Wonder where she’s off to? He thought. Makenzie took off out of the security gates and made a few turns until she was on the main boulevard. She found a restaurant that served delicious Italian beef sandwiches. She waited in line at the drive through and ordered lunch for her and Caleb. When she arrived home, rather than taking the circular drive, she drove past the staff garage onto another path that led near the stables. Caleb came out when he heard Makenzie revving her engine. She rolled down her window. “Hey, sexy! Want a ride?” Makenzie teased.

  Caleb leaned in her window and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “What smells so good?”

  Makenzie lifted the bag of food. “Lunch.” She said and smiled. “Here help me.” She said as she handed the drink holder to Caleb. She rolled up her window, turned her car off and climbed out with the bag of food, slamming the car door with her foot. They walked to their usual place in the field, near the wildflowers and the pond. Makenzie saw that Caleb had set out another blanket, this time under the old peach tree they had sat under the day before. Makenzie sat down and handed him his food from the bag. Caleb thanked her and took a bite of his beef.

  “Well, what do you think?” Makenzie asked.

  “It’s good.” Caleb said. “Thank you.”

  Makenzie unwrapped her own beef. “You’re welcome.” She said with a smile. Caleb loved watching her eat, how she would tear off little pieces and gently put them into her mouth. And he loved how she always had a sweet smile ready for him. “So how is your day going so far?” Makenzie asked between bites.

  Caleb wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Okay so far. I still have to finish cleaning the rest of the horse stalls and then your father wants me to do a few other little things, nothing too bad. I should probably be finished by 5:30 or 6:00.”

  “So will I have the honor of your company this evening?” Makenzie asked.

  “What did you have in mind, Miss Makenzie?”

  “It’s a surprise. How about I meet you at your room at 6:00?”

  “Make it 6:30 so I can shower first. I reckon I probably smell pretty badly from cleaning the stalls.”

  “Yeah, you do stink pretty badly.” Makenzie grinned. Caleb looked uncomfortable. Makenzie noticed as he tried to discreetly lift his arm and sniff himself. She burst out laughing. “I was just kidding Caleb.”

  Caleb muttered something under his breath she couldn’t quite hear. They finished their lunch and walked back to the stables. Makenzie gave Caleb a quick kiss goodbye and got in her car. Caleb watched as she drove away.

  Makenzie went upstairs to seek out Anna. The two girls chatted and played with Mia until Mia went down for a nap. Makenzie convinced Anna to try out a game of tennis with her while Mia slept. She turned on the monitor and gave it to Anna. “Here. You’ll be able to hear her if she wakes up.”

  The two girls went out to the tennis court and played a couple of rounds. Makenzie looked at her watch. It was 5:30, so they started walking toward the house. As they got closer, Makenzie noticed the Lotus parked in the circular drive. “Oh God. It’s him!” Makenzie said.

  “Who?” Anna asked.

  “That asshole Scott. The one that I had that one date with. He called me earlier about a party he was having tonight and I told him that I was sick. What’s he doing here?”

  Anna shrugged. “Need some help?”

  “No. I can handle Scott. I’ll be inside in a minute.”

  Anna touched Makenzie’s shoulder. “Okay. Just scream if you need me. I know karate.”

  Makenzie laughed. “I’ll be fine. Thank you!”

  Anna walked inside and closed the door. Makenzie slowly walked towards Scott, whom was now standing, leaning against his prized car. “Feeling better?” he asked.

  “How did you get in here?”

  “Someone buzzed me in. I
don’t know. I think it was one of your stupid servants.” He laughed and grabbed a hold of Makenzie around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

  “What are you doing, Scott? Let go of me.”

  “Aren’t you happy to see me?”

  “Scott, look. I think you have the wrong idea about us. I want to be your friend, nothing more.”

  “Come on. I know you don’t mean that. Every girl wants me.” He said as he pulled her closer.

  “Not me, Scott.”

  Scott leaned in and kissed Makenzie as she tried to pull away. Caleb had been coming around the corner when he saw Makenzie. He overheard some of the conversation and quickened his pace to a slow jog. Scott finally released Makenzie from the kiss.

  “Let go of me!” Makenzie screamed.

  Caleb was only a few feet away now, but Makenzie heard him before she saw him.

  “You heard the lady. She said let her go!” Caleb said as he continued walking closer.

  Makenzie could see Caleb now that he was getting closer. He was walking toward them with no shirt on. He had a sinister look about his face and his nostrils were dilated.

  Scott paused for a second to look Caleb over and laughed. “Butt out servant! This is my girlfriend.”

  “Girlfriend?” Makenzie yelled. “I am not your girlfriend, Scott. I am not anything to you. Now I’m going to tell you one more time, let me go!”

  Scott tightened his grip on Makenzie and kissed her again, this time with his eyes open, watching and mocking Caleb as he did. Caleb advanced on Scott and with one arm, pulled him back. Makenzie ran to Caleb’s side and he put his arm around her waist.

  “Oh this is something!” Scott snorted. “What are you reducing yourself to these days, Makenzie?”

  “Shut up, Scott.” Makenzie yelled.

  “Don’t tell me to shut up you stupid bitch!” Scott snickered back as he advanced toward Makenzie again. “Just get in the fuckin’ car!” he yelled as he grabbed Makenzie’s arm. Makenzie got a glimpse of Caleb. His face looked swelled and furious.

  “Don’t you talk to her like that and don’t you dare touch her!” Caleb retorted in a voice inarticulate with passion. He kept his eyes on Scott in a cool, regardless manner. Scott laughed and tightened his grip on Makenzie’s arm.

  “Ouch!” Makenzie exclaimed.

  That was all Caleb could take. He lost his cool completely as his fist hit Scott’s jaw. Scott stumbled back a few feet and started to straighten up just as Caleb delivered another blow, this time to his left eye. Scott’s eye started to swell immediately. He barely heard Makenzie yelling for them to stop it as Scott came at him. Caleb ducked and punched Scott in the stomach. Scott hunched over and fell to the ground.

  The front door opened and Teddy appeared. “What’s going on out here?” He asked as he looked over at Scott lying on the ground holding his stomach, then to Makenzie, whom had started sobbing, and then to Caleb, whose eyes were wild and furious.

  “Scott attacked me and Caleb defended me.” Makenzie whispered.

  Teddy offered a hand to Scott and helped him up. Once he was up, Teddy punched him in the face, still holding his hand. When Scott started to tumble back, Teddy quickly yanked him back up to his feet. “Nobody messes with my niece.” Teddy said. “Now you best be on your way. Don’t come around here again.”

  Scott got up and stumbled toward his prized Lotus. When he was a safe distance away from Caleb and Teddy, he started yelling again. “You’re done in this town. Just wait until my father finds out what you three did to me.” During his ranting and raving, a loud fart escaped from Scott. All three of them laughed.

  “Figures he farted. He is an asshole after all.” Makenzie laughed.

  “Okay, Mr. Stinky! We’re all really scared. Run along and tell daddy now. Oh and check your pants. That fart you just cut sounded kind of wet.” Teddy teased.

  Scott got into his car and started the engine. He took off down the circular drive, putting his arm out the window and flipping them off.

  “Well I’m going in now. Makenzie, I’ll get the whole story from you later, but Caleb, thanks for helping my niece.” Teddy said as he offered his hand to Caleb. Caleb shook Teddy’s hand briefly. Teddy leaned in and kissed Makenzie on the cheek.

  “Thanks, Teddy.” Makenzie said.

  “No problem.” He responded. He turned and walked inside, closing the door behind him.

  Makenzie turned to Caleb. “I’m so sorry.” She said. “Thanks for defending me.”

  Caleb pulled her close and hugged her. He leaned back and kissed her cheek. “I’m going to go take a shower. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  “Yeah. I’m going to go shower too after having that jerk touch me.”

  Caleb gave Makenzie one last look before turning away. She looked so shaken up. That made him very angry.

  Makenzie went into the kitchen and made herself a cup of chamomile tea to calm her nerves. She took the cup up to her bathroom and filled the tub. She lay back in the tub sipping her tea. She felt really embarrassed for Caleb having witnessed her fight with Scott and she felt bad that he had to defend her. I hope he didn’t hurt his hand punching Scott. She thought.

  Makenzie finished her bath and dressed in a pretty white, off the shoulder mini dress that flared out just above her knees. She fixed her make-up, grabbed a pair of sandals from her closet, her purse and her cell phone, and headed down the stairs.

  Makenzie knocked on Caleb’s door. A few moments later he opened the door, chest and hair still wet, wearing just a pair of unbuttoned jeans. He must have just gotten out of the shower and thrown the jeans on, Makenzie thought. She couldn’t help but stare at his bare chest, glistening from the water. She raised her eyes to meet his. This was a mistake also. She felt weak in the knees as his intense eyes burned into hers. Makenzie could feel herself growing hot and her pulse quickening. She looked away. Caleb lightly grabbed her face with his hand and looked into her eyes. Then he kissed her.

  “I’ll be ready in a few minutes.” Caleb said as he walked into the bathroom. Makenzie walked around his room, finally taking a seat at the edge of his bed. She looked over at the nightstand and saw that he had a picture of her. Makenzie got up from the bed and walked over to the photo and picked it up. It was of her the first day they had lunch by the wildflowers. She was wearing her long white ruffled sundress and was dancing in the rain. Where did he get this? She wondered.

  Caleb emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, still shirtless. He walked to his dresser and pulled out a white t-shirt and a pair of socks. He proceeded to put them on as Makenzie watched in silence. Then he pulled on a pair of old, brown work boots and stood up. “Okay. I’m ready.” Caleb declared. He looked over at Makenzie and noticed that she was holding the photo he had taken of her.

  “Where did this come from?” she asked.

  Caleb blushed and turned away. “I took it with my cell phone that day and had Maria print it out for me. I hope you don’t mind.” Caleb replied shyly.

  Makenzie replaced the photo on the nightstand and stood up. She walked towards him and kissed him softly. “I think its sweet.” She whispered as she pulled back. She grabbed her own cell phone and pointed it at him. “But it’s only fair if I have one of you. Smile.” She said as she took a photo of him. “It’s a keeper.” She teased as she looked at the photo. Caleb smiled and put his arm around her as they walked to the door.

  “Wait.” Caleb whispered. He faced Makenzie and kissed her sweetly. Then they walked out the door, Caleb locking it behind him. “So where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise. Follow me.” Makenzie said. They reached Makenzie’s Mustang and she hit the unlock button on her key chain. “Get in.”

  Caleb obliged. Makenzie drove around the circular drive and stopped at the front gates. She rolled down her window and punched in a code at the keypad and the gates opened. Ma
kenzie drove through and onto the main road. Caleb turned on the radio and found a country station. Makenzie laughed at the lyrics. Caleb lowered the volume.


  “Oh nothing.” Makenzie said.

  “Do you not like country? I can change it.”

  “Oh no. I love country.”

  Caleb nodded and turned the volume back up.

  Makenzie pulled over to the side of the road and parked. She sat with her head against the steering wheel staring past Caleb at a small farm. “I’d love to live on a small farm like this.” Makenzie said. Caleb turned his head to see what she was looking at. It was an extended brick ranch, set far back from the road. He couldn’t help but notice that the house was much smaller than the one she occupied now. There were a few horses and further back he saw some sheep and baby lambs in a fenced area. As Caleb watched her, he couldn’t drop his gaze, as her face seemed to light up at the thought of owning the small property. Maybe money isn’t that important to her after all, he thought.

  Makenzie turned onto another back road. “Almost there.” She said as she continued driving; taking a turn here and there. Finally she slowed the car to a stop and parked. She got out of the car. Caleb followed, looking around. It was all grass, to the left was a large hill, and straight ahead Caleb could see a river. There was no one else in sight.

  “What is this place?” Caleb asked.

  “My grandfather used to take me here when I was a little girl. Every summer my parents would send me down here with my grandparents for two weeks.” Makenzie said as she smiled. “We used to go fishing in that river there,” she pointed, “and I used to love rolling down this hill. Of course it seemed much bigger then.”

  Caleb nodded as he continued to look around.

  “Come on, I’ll race you to the top of the hill.” Makenzie said as a wicked smile began to form on her lips. Caleb ran after her. Makenzie laid down at the top of the hill. “Come on. It’s fun!” she said as she began rolling down. Caleb followed, listening to her giggle the whole way down. Caleb landed a few feet from her at the bottom. Then Makenzie got up, brushed herself off and walked toward her car.

  Caleb followed. “What are you doing?” he asked.

  Makenzie smiled up at him. “I brought something for us. Come help me.” Makenzie replied as she opened her trunk and handed him a picnic basket. Then she grabbed a blanket and shut the trunk. She walked to the front of the car, opened the door, unrolled the windows, and put the key in, turning it back, and putting on the radio.

  They walked over to the river area and Makenzie set the blanket out and sat down. “Isn’t it beautiful?” she asked. “I love coming out here. Its so peaceful.”

  Caleb sat down next to her, put the picnic basket down in front of him and looked out at the river. “Yes, but it is going to be dark soon.”

  With that Makenzie got up and lit the fire pit a few feet away, which provided much light. “Problem solved.” She said as she smiled at him. She sat back down on the blanket. Makenzie opened the picnic basket and took out two cans of soda and three tuna sandwiches. She handed one of the cans and two of the sandwiches to Caleb and kept the rest for herself.

  While they ate, Makenzie told Caleb of the time that she had come to the river with her parents and grandparents and found a stray Chihuahua and how she had played with it all day and wanted to take it home, but her parents wouldn’t let her keep it. She went on to tell him of how she cried for weeks at having to leave the puppy behind.

  At hearing the story, Caleb vowed silently to himself to get her a puppy someday. When they finished eating, Makenzie grabbed the garbage and put it inside the picnic basket, then shoved the picnic basket aside and laid back, gazing at the stars that had started to become visible. Caleb looked at her, and then laid back himself. He looked up at the stars, then over at Makenzie and scooted himself closer to her. He lifted her head and put his arm underneath. Makenzie looked over at him and they kissed softly and slowly.

  Makenzie sighed and looked back up at the stars, which were rapidly multiplying in number. “This is heaven.” She said aloud. Caleb smiled, still watching her. He quickly looked up and then fixed his gaze back on Makenzie’s face. “I picture heaven to be somewhat like this. Just calm, peaceful, and beautiful. Have you ever pictured heaven, Caleb?”


  “How do you picture it?” she asked.

  Caleb looked deeply into her eyes. “With you. Whenever and wherever you spend time with me. Your very presence is intoxicating to me.” Caleb replied as he lightly ran his finger across her hand. “You are my heaven.” He continued.

  Makenzie turned on her side to face him, placed a hand to his cheek and softly kissed him. Caleb ran his fingertips up and down Makenzie’s bare leg, stopping at the hem of her dress. “Its pretty humid outside tonight.” Makenzie observed.

  Makenzie took off her sandals and stood up. She shrugged out of her dress. Standing in just her bra and panties, she looked at Caleb. Then she took the few steps to the shore and walked into the water. She turned to look at Caleb, whom was staring at her, a smile playing across his lips. “How’s the water?” he asked.

  “It’s wonderful. Get your butt in here.”

  He playfully shook his head no. He took off his boots and stood up, stripping down to his underwear.

  “Damn, you better bring that sexy butt over here.” Makenzie teased.

  He ran toward the water and jumped in. He went straight under and when he emerged Makenzie splashed him playfully.

  “Oh you’re gonna get it now.” Caleb teased as a big grin spread over his face. Makenzie let out a little scream as he grabbed her and pulled her under with him. They resurfaced giggling. Caleb grabbed her and held her close. He stared intensely into her eyes before kissing her again. Makenzie began to shiver. Caleb rubbed her arms with his hands. “This water is freezing.” He said as he looked at her.

  “I know.” Makenzie replied. “I didn’t want to tell you because then you wouldn’t of come in.”

  “Not true. I’d follow you anywhere, Makenzie Adams.” Caleb said softly as he kissed her again, holding the back of her head to draw her closer. Makenzie leaned into his body and felt his hardness against her. In one swift movement, Caleb picked Makenzie up into his arms. He kissed her again and carried her out of the water, back to the spot where they had been before. He gently laid her down on the blanket and lay on his side next to her. Makenzie turned on her side to face him and put her arm around his neck. He pulled back a little to look at her, letting his eyes roam down every inch of her body before meeting her eyes again. He kissed her hungrily, then moved his lips to her neck, and down her chest. Makenzie moaned. He ran his fingers lightly from her lips, down her neck, between her breasts, onto her stomach, and stopped when his fingers reached the waistband of her white lace panties. His eyes met hers and he kissed her again. Makenzie put her fingers inside the band of his underwear. Caleb groaned and pulled back, swearing under his breath. Caleb sat up and grabbed for his pants. He found Makenzie’s dress and tossed it over to her.

  “Come on. We better be getting back.” He said as he put his jeans on and grabbed for his t-shirt. Makenzie slowly put her dress over her head and pulled it down. What just happened? Did I do something wrong? Why did he pull away and start swearing? Makenzie wondered to herself. Caleb rolled up the blanket, grabbed the picnic basket and headed for the car. He stood waiting at the trunk. Makenzie followed and opened the trunk, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. Caleb dropped the items into the trunk and slammed it closed. They got into the car and drove away in silence. Makenzie could feel Caleb’s eyes on her the entire trip, but dared not to look his way. She knew that if she allowed her eyes to meet his, she would cry.

  Makenzie parked her car in the circular drive. They got out of the car and Makenzie started toward the house. Caleb grabbed her, spun
her around and held her in his arms. He softly kissed her forehead. Makenzie sniffled. He lifted her chin to look at her face. A tear rolled down Makenzie’s cheek. Caleb kissed her lips. “What’s wrong?” he whispered.

  “You don’t want me.” Makenzie whispered so quietly that he had to strain to hear her. Caleb looked deeply into Makenzie’s eyes. Is that what she thought when I pulled away? If only she knew how hard it was for me to do that, he thought as he cursed under his breath.

  “Makenzie, I love you.” Caleb whispered as he ran his fingers through her hair. Makenzie met his eyes. Did he just say what I think he said?


  Caleb wiped a tear away with his fingertip. Then he softly touched her lips and looked her in the eyes. “I said I love you. I know that we just met, but I can’t help it. I love you.” He whispered again. “And I want you more than you know. Pulling away from you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” He continued.

  A door slammed. Caleb and Makenzie both looked up. Teddy was coming out the front door toward them. “Well I should go.” Caleb said. He kissed her quickly on the mouth and pulled away, walking toward his room. Makenzie just stood there. “He said he loves me.” She whispered to herself.

  “What?” Teddy asked.

  She looked over at him. “Oh. Nothing. I was just talking to myself.”

  “They have doctors for that sort of thing.” Teddy laughed.

  Makenzie lightly smacked him.

  “What are you doing out so late?” Teddy asked.

  “I went to the lake with Caleb.”

  “Oh. I see.”

  “What are you doing out so late?” Makenzie asked.

  “I was just sneaking out to go see Anna.” Teddy grinned.

  “Well have fun.” Makenzie said as she turned toward the house.

  “Thanks. I will.” Teddy laughed as he kept walking.

  Makenzie ran up to her room and took a bath. She lay back in the water and thought about everything that had happened between her and Caleb that day. He said he loved me. She kept thinking and smiling to herself. I’m such a dope. Why didn’t I tell him I loved him too?

  Makenzie had an idea. She got out of the tub and wrapped herself in a towel. She sat at the vanity and fixed her make-up, brushed her hair and her teeth, and sprayed on some light perfume. Then she walked over to her dresser and dug out a red lace bra and matching panties. She put on her white terry cloth robe and ran downstairs.

  Caleb was lying in bed thinking about Makenzie. He couldn’t forget the tears in those deep blue eyes of hers when she had thought that he didn’t want her. Seeing her cry was almost too much for him to bear. It pulled away at his heart and tormented him. As the image of her haunted him, he heard a soft knock on his door. He got up and peeked out the side of his drapes. He saw Makenzie standing there in her robe. He looked at his clock. It was after midnight already. I hope she’s okay, he thought as he opened the door. Makenzie walked right in and he closed the door behind them.

  “We have some unfinished business.” Makenzie said as she untied her robe and let it fall to the floor. Caleb looked her over and instantly grew hard at the sight of her. They walked toward each other and he pulled her into his arms, holding her tight. She looked deeply into his eyes. “I need to tell you that I love you too.” She whispered ever so sweetly. Caleb’s heart melted. His eyes were wide with passion and his heart beat rapidly. Makenzie lifted his t-shirt over his head and ran her fingers around his biceps and down his chest, all the while holding his gaze. Caleb grabbed hold of her butt and pushed her harder against him. Makenzie undid the clasp on the front of her bra and let it fall to the floor. Caleb gently ran his fingers down her back. He brought his hands back up and held her face as he kissed her harder. He let go of her face and lightly ran his fingers down her chest and over her breasts, then down between her legs. Makenzie moaned and flung her head back.

  In one swift movement, Caleb picked her up in his arms and carried her to his bed. He gently laid her down and removed his boxers before climbing up on top of her. He kissed her softly from her forehead all the way down and removed her panties. He planted his head between her legs, softly moving his tongue over her soft spot until she cried out in ecstasy and he tasted her sweetness. Then he slowly entered her as he softly caressed her body and kissed her lips and her neck. Makenzie wrapped her legs around him and lifted her hips to match each of his thrusts. Their lovemaking was slow and sweet, neither one of them wanting it to end. Finally they both cried out as they came together and he ejaculated into her. They both lay there silently as their bodies quivered from the mutual enjoyment.

  Caleb pulled out of Makenzie and they rolled over on their sides to face each other. Caleb kissed her tenderly as he lightly caressed her face with his fingertips. “I’m all sweaty.” Caleb laughed, breathing heavily. He kissed Makenzie on the lips and got up to walk over to the refrigerator. He opened the door and grabbed two water bottles. He handed one to Makenzie and downed the other one. Makenzie took a drink and walked over to his dresser, retrieving one of his t-shirts to borrow. Caleb put on a pair of sweatpants and lay back down on the bed. Makenzie soon joined him. He held her in his arms and stroked her hair and her face as they talked.

  Caleb finally dared a look at the alarm clock on his nightstand. It was already 2:30 in the morning. “Wow. I better get some sleep. I have to be up in a few hours to work.”

  “I didn’t realize it was that late. I should get to bed too.” Makenzie said.

  “You could stay with me tonight.” Caleb offered as he watched Makenzie slip on her robe and tie it.

  “Naw. I want to, but I can’t. I’ll probably end up sleeping late and my parents will be looking for me.”

  “Okay.” Caleb replied with a frown. He pulled her close and kissed her. “I love you.” He whispered in her ear.

  “And I love you.” She whispered in his. Caleb walked her to the door, kissed her again and wished her pleasant dreams.