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Bluest Eyes in Texas - Book 1 Page 6

  Chapter 6

  The next few weeks were heaven for Makenzie. She was in love and that feeling only grew stronger the more time she spent with Caleb. She spent most of her evenings in the wildflower fields dancing and playing around with Caleb, or at the river having a picnic with Caleb, or horseback riding with Caleb. She spent her days chatting with Anna and playing with Mia. Most of her nights were spent in Caleb’s room making love. Unbeknownst to Makenzie, Caleb often stayed up to study after she had left. He wanted to get his diploma so that he could take some college courses and hopefully impress Makenzie’s parents.

  It was Sunday. Makenzie was very excited, as the following day was her birthday. Caleb had the day off along with the rest of the staff and he asked Makenzie to accompany him to the car dealership. He wanted to trade his old truck in for something newer. Caleb found a brand new white Ford F150 that he loved. He was able to talk the salesman down in price and then made the deal and paid in cash. Makenzie stared at him, looking confused. The salesman handed Caleb the keys to his new truck. He grabbed Makenzie’s hand and walked toward the door. When they got in the truck Makenzie could hold her tongue no longer.

  “How did you get all that money?” Makenzie asked.

  Caleb looked at the expression on her face and laughed. “I robbed a couple of banks. You know the usual.” Caleb joked.

  “I’m serious.”

  “Well a little bit of it was an inheritance I got when my uncle passed away. The rest was saved from hard work.”

  “Just how much do you have?” Makenzie asked. He only smiled at her question, never giving her an answer.

  Caleb pulled up by the staff garage and parked his truck. He leaned over and kissed Makenzie. Makenzie got out and was going to shut the door when she saw that Caleb hadn’t moved. “Aren’t you coming?”

  “No. I have some errands to run.”

  Makenzie started to get back into the truck but he put up a hand to stop her. “No. I have to do this alone.” Caleb said.

  Makenzie eyed him suspiciously, then nodded and closed the truck door. She watched as Caleb drove away.

  Caleb drove the short distance to the local humane society thinking about Makenzie’s face when he left her. He parked his truck and went in.

  “Can I help you?” an elderly woman asked.

  “Yes. Can you show me where you keep the puppies?”

  “Right this way, sir.” The woman replied.

  Caleb followed her to the back of the building, where there were several cages containing puppies. He looked in the various cages until his eyes fell upon a cute little brown Chihuahua. He looked at the tag on the cage. It was a female just six months old. He put his finger in the cage and the puppy licked it.

  “Can I take her out for you?” the woman asked.

  “Yes. Please.” Caleb replied. The woman unhitched the cage and handed the puppy to Caleb. The puppy excitedly licked his face. “Friendly little one. How much?”


  “I’ll take her.” Caleb replied.

  Caleb paid the woman and left the building. He drove over to the pet store and bought some puppy food, a dog bed, a collar and leash, bones, two bowls, a package of training pads, and some chew toys. Then he hurried back to the truck.

  As Caleb approached the driveway, he picked up his cell phone, found Anna in his contacts, and dialed her number. Anna was already waiting by the staff garage when he pulled up. He barely parked his truck when Anna opened the passenger door and grabbed the little puppy. She started to lick Anna’s face as soon as she picked her up.

  “Oh she is so cute. Makenzie is gonna love her!” Anna shrieked as Caleb started grabbing all the bags.

  “Okay I got everything she needs for the puppy. Just keep her in your room until tomorrow and don’t let Makenzie see you with her. I want her to be surprised.”

  “You can trust me.” Anna said as she walked to her room with Caleb behind her. He brought the bags inside and gave the puppy a kiss goodbye.

  “Thank you, Anna.” He said.

  “No problem.”

  Makenzie sat on her bed watching TV, wondering why Caleb wouldn’t let her come with him. It bothered her more than it should. What is he trying to hide? And what was with all that money he had? She heard a knock on her door. “Come in.” Makenzie said. Her eyes were still on the TV as she sat there biting her lower lip, thinking about Caleb.

  “You know it occurred to me that I’ve never been in your room before.” The familiar voice said. Makenzie spun her head around to see Caleb standing there smiling at her. She jumped up off the bed and ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him.

  “What are you doing up here?” Makenzie asked, still holding him.

  “Teddy let me in. He told me that your parents were gone for the day, so I should just go on up.”

  “Well this is a nice surprise.” Makenzie beamed as she let go of Caleb’s neck.

  Caleb walked around her room. “Nice setup you have here.” He said as he walked over to the French doors and pulled them open, stepping out onto the balcony. He looked out across the backyard and saw his own room. I hope Makenzie didn’t see Anna and me with the puppy, he thought. “Wow. You have a great view of the yard from here. Ever see anything interesting?”

  Makenzie smiled ear to ear as she thought of all the times she had spied on Caleb from her balcony. “All the time.” She replied.

  “What’s that wicked smile for?”

  “Come here and I’ll show you.” Makenzie said as she sprawled out on her bed.

  “Wow such a big bed for such a little girl like you!” Caleb joked as he leaned over her. Makenzie grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him down to her.

  “Shut up and kiss me.” She exclaimed. Caleb happily obliged.

  “Wanna take the horses out?” Caleb asked.

  “No. I want to make love to you.” Makenzie replied, the playful grin returning to her face. Caleb looked over at her.

  “Is that all I am to you?” he teased.

  “Yes.” Makenzie joked. Caleb turned over and climbed on top of her. Makenzie giggled. Caleb tried hard not to laugh. Keeping his face as serious as he could he grabbed her wrists and held them up by her head.

  “You’re gonna get it now.” He said as he clenched his fingers together.

  “No!” Makenzie screamed and giggled. Despite her many attempts, she couldn’t get her arms free.

  “Oh you’re not going anywhere, Miss Makenzie.” Caleb said. Then he leaned in and tickled her armpits and her stomach mercilessly with one hand, still holding her wrists with the other.

  “Stop. You’re going to make me tinkle.” Makenzie laughed.

  “Go ahead and pee then,” Caleb joked. The ruthless tickling continued as Makenzie desperately tried to get out of it.

  “Oww. I got a cramp. Caleb let me up. I’m not kidding!” Makenzie cried.

  Caleb let go of her arms and rolled off of her. She clutched at her side.

  “I’m sorry. Are you okay?” Caleb asked, looking concerned.

  A mischievous smile spread across Makenzie’s lips as she sprung at him. “Oh you are going to be sorry.” She giggled as she got on top of him and tried to pin him down. But her futile attempts only served to backfire as once again Caleb was on top of her holding her down. “This isn’t fair!”

  “What? That I’m stronger than you? Or that you faked an injury to get back at me and it backfired?” Caleb laughed.

  “Please let me up!” Makenzie said between giggles.

  “No. No. No.” Caleb teased. “Your punishment is not yet over, Miss Makenzie.”

  “Please?” Makenzie pleaded.

  “If I let you up are you going to be nice?”

  “Yes. Yes. I promise.”

  “Tell me you love me.”

  Makenzie giggled. “You know that I do!”

  “Well I wan
t to hear you say it.”

  “I love you.”

  With that Caleb let go of her arms. He stared into her eyes and bent down to kiss her. “I love you too.” He whispered. And they made love.

  When they were finished, they both lie naked under the covers on Makenzie’s bed. Caleb held her in his arms and stroked her hair. Makenzie looked up at him and softly kissed his lips.

  “So I was thinking about your birthday tomorrow. Is there anything special that you would like to do? Maybe somewhere you would like to go?” Caleb asked.

  Makenzie shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. As long as I am with you I’m happy.”

  “Is that right?” Caleb grinned.


  “So does your family have anything planned for you?”

  “Well I’m sure my mother will have a cake and have everybody sing to me in the early afternoon. But my parents have a charity event to go to in the evening, so I’ll pretty much be on my own. Teddy mentioned having a small party by the pool and we can get some drinks and cook out. You’ll come, won’t you?”

  “Of course. Well I have to work in the morning, but after that wherever you are is where I want to be.”

  Makenzie met Caleb’s eyes. How did I get so lucky? She smiled up at him. Caleb looked at the clock on Makenzie’s nightstand. It was already 1:30 and they hadn’t eaten lunch yet. “Come on. Get dressed. I’m taking you to lunch.”

  Caleb and Makenzie ran into Teddy and Anna on their way out and they all decided to go to lunch together. They all piled into Makenzie’s Mustang. “So where shall we go?” Makenzie asked as she started the car.

  “When I took Mia out the other day I saw that that new restaurant by the mall is open.” Anna replied.

  Everyone agreed to give it a try. Makenzie proceeded to the restaurant and parked her car. Everyone got out and walked toward the door. Makenzie thought the restaurant looked much like a barn with the angle of its red roof. A young bubbly hostess greeted them as they came in. Makenzie couldn’t help but notice the girl seemingly checking Caleb out. The girl was very pretty, but Caleb didn’t even seem to notice as he put his arm around Makenzie’s waist.

  The hostess escorted them to their table and gave them their menus. “Isn’t that Scott over there?” Teddy whispered to Makenzie from across the table.

  Makenzie looked back to see Scott sitting with a girl kiddy-corner a few tables up. “Yep. That’s him.” Makenzie declared as she looked back at her menu.

  A young, pretty waitress approached. “Hi. I’m Lisa and I’ll be your server this afternoon. Can I get you something to drink?” Lisa took the drink orders and walked away.

  “Dang, did you see her butt?” Teddy whispered. “Our waitress has some extra juicy buns on her!” Teddy giggled.

  Anna lightly smacked him in the back of his head. Poor Anna, Makenzie thought. Lisa soon returned with their drinks and took their orders. Makenzie noticed that Teddy and Caleb kept glaring over at Scott and his (date?). Oh boy! I hope we don’t have any more trouble.

  Lisa returned with their food and smiled as she set their plates about them. When she walked away, Teddy put some of his potpie onto the end of his fork and flung it in Scott’s direction. Makenzie couldn’t help but turn in her chair to look. She watched as the chunk of potpie flew across the room. Scott was talking animatedly to his companion when the food hit him square in the forehead. He looked around stupidly. Makenzie quickly turned her head back to face Caleb across from her. She tried really hard not to laugh, sitting there with her shoulders shaking. A smile threatened Caleb’s lips as well. He quickly looked down. She looked over at Teddy, whom looked so guilty that she could no longer hold her laughter back. She busted out in a giggle, with everyone else following her lead.

  “He’s looking this way now.” Caleb noticed.

  With that Teddy put his finger up in the air and nodded toward Scott. “What’s up asshole?” The comment made Makenzie laugh even harder. “You have a little something right here.” Teddy continued as he touched a finger to his forehead.

  Lisa quickly came to the table to address Teddy. “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to refrain from using such language here.”

  Teddy composed himself rapidly. “It won’t happen again, miss.” Lisa gave him a stern look and then walked away. Teddy returned his gaze to Scott and waved provokingly. Then he leaned across the table to Makenzie and Anna. “He looks like he’s going to shit his pants.” At that, they all laughed.

  When they returned from lunch, Makenzie and Caleb stole off to go horseback riding alone. They rode to their favorite spot among the wildflowers and fruit trees. Caleb helped Makenzie down from her horse, as was his custom, and tied the horses near the pond. Makenzie and Caleb walked to their favorite peach tree. Caleb sat against the tree with his knees up. Makenzie quickly took her place between his knees. Both faced the small pond and watched as the horses drank. “Do you ever dream about your future?” Caleb asked.

  “All the time.” Makenzie replied.

  “And what do you see in your dreams?”

  Makenzie leaned her head back to look at him. She smiled up at him and touched his cheek with her fingers. “I see you.”

  “Well that’s good to know.” He teased.

  “What do you see?” she asked.

  “I see you.” Caleb replied. “I don’t care what my future brings, as long as you are in it. Being with you is as necessary as breathing.”

  It was very hot and humid outside. Caleb and Makenzie returned from their horse ride and decided to go for a swim. They quickly changed and headed for the pool. They played around in the pool for a few hours before getting hungry again. “Let’s order a pizza.” Makenzie suggested as she watched Caleb drying off.

  “That sounds great. It’s getting late. Your parents should be back soon. Want to hang out in my room?”

  “Yes of course. We could watch a movie or something.”

  “Or something.” Caleb laughed.

  “I’m going to my room to take a quick shower and I’ll order the pizza and have them deliver it to your room.” Makenzie said. She gave him a quick kiss and headed toward the main house. Caleb watched her walk away and took off for his own room when she was no longer in sight.

  Makenzie dropped her pool towel on the floor in her room and walked to her dresser to get some clean clothes. She noticed her pocket calendar in her underwear drawer. She used the calendar to mark her periods. Come to think of it, I don’t recall opening this calendar since we moved here, Makenzie thought as she opened it.

  Okay today is August 12th. She opened the calendar to August and saw nothing. She flipped the page back to July and saw July 1st circled and written in her handwriting was ‘period started’. The next circled date was July 28th, but nothing was written. I should’ve gotten my period on the 28th. This can’t be. She grabbed a pen and wrote ‘moved in’ in the square for July 8th. Then she counted the days between July 28th and now. My period is 16 days late. She thought back to the first night her and Caleb made love. It had been on July 13th. Could this be?

  Makenzie smiled to herself at the thought of having Caleb’s baby. Oh a cute little one that shall be. She thought about telling him, but then decided to wait until she was sure. I’ll run to the drugstore to buy a test tomorrow.

  Makenzie called the local pizza place and put in her order for a large cheese and sausage pizza and gave directions to Caleb’s room on the premises. The man on the phone informed her it would be about forty minutes. Makenzie took a quick shower and stood in the mirror, touching her belly. I wonder if Caleb’s baby is growing inside of me, she thought. Her happiness soon disappeared when she thought about how her family would react to such news. At that she started to sob. She got dressed and put on some sandals. Then she heard a soft knock on her door. She wiped her tears and opened the door to see Anna.

  Anna took a lo
ok at Makenzie and could tell that she had been crying. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Anna asked as she lightly touched Makenzie’s arm.

  Tears streamed down Makenzie’s face as she spoke. “It’s my family. What I feel for Caleb is strong and it’s real. I felt it the moment we met. I feel connected to him in ways that I cannot begin to explain, even to myself. But my family…. they’re just not going to understand, nor will they accept it. It is forbidden in my family’s eyes for one such as us to fall in love with a servant. So I shall have to keep my love for Caleb a secret, and that weighs heavy on my heart, for I so desire to be able to share it.”

  Anna handed Makenzie a tissue and wrapped her arms around her in a hug. “It’ll be okay, Makenzie. I’m sure if your family could just see the two of you together, and see how happy he makes you, they would understand.”

  “I hope you’re right. But I just can’t see that happening, Anna.”

  Caleb was just getting out of the shower when Makenzie came in. She walked over to him and kissed him. Caleb looked into her eyes and could see that she had been crying. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  Makenzie pulled away from him. “Yes. I’m fine.” She replied as she smiled up at him. “The pizza should be here soon.”

  She plopped down on the bed and turned the TV on. As Makenzie was flipping through channels with the remote, there was a loud knock at the door. Caleb hurried to open it. It was the pizza guy. Caleb paid him and closed the door behind him. He put the pizza box down on the bed and went to the kitchen area to grab two plates and two sodas. Then he joined Makenzie on the bed. “Anything good on TV?” Caleb asked.

  “There’s a good comedy on.” Makenzie replied.

  “That’s cool. I like comedies.”

  “Me too.”

  Makenzie giggled at a funny part in the movie. Caleb smiled watching her. “I can’t eat anymore.” Makenzie stated as she patted her belly.

  “Me either.” Caleb agreed. He closed the pizza box, got up off the bed and put it in the refrigerator. Then he grabbed their plates and put them in the sink and sat back down on the bed next to Makenzie. A commercial was on TV now.

  Makenzie grabbed for her soda, spilling some on her t-shirt in the process. “Oh crap!” she complained as she looked at her shirt. Caleb giggled and got up off the bed. He walked to his dresser and pulled out a clean t-shirt and held it out to her. She nodded her head no as she smiled playfully. “I want the one you’re wearing.” She said. Caleb dropped the clean t-shirt onto the bed and removed the one he was wearing, throwing it to her. Makenzie grabbed it and took off her stained t-shirt, replacing it with Caleb’s.

  Makenzie laid down on her side facing Caleb and put her arm around him. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She snuggled into his bare chest. “I love cuddling with you.” She said. Caleb kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair. “Hey, Caleb, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure. Anything.”

  “Do you want kids?”

  Caleb smiled at the thought of Makenzie having his baby. “With you.”

  “Yeah with me? Or with anyone?”

  Caleb laughed. “With you was my answer. It wasn’t a question.”

  Makenzie giggled. “Sorry.”

  Caleb looked into Makenzie’s eyes. “Why do you ask? Do you want kids?”

  “I was just wondering. And yes, I want kids too.”

  Makenzie closed her eyes and fell asleep. Caleb looked at the clock. It was only 8:00. Ahhh, she’ll be up again. Probably just a catnap. He kissed Makenzie on the forehead and lightly brushed her hair with his fingers as he watched her sleep. She looks so peaceful. God I love this girl. Please don’t ever take her from me. He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep too.

  Makenzie awoke in Caleb’s arms and looked at the clock. It was 3:30 in the morning. She looked over at Caleb. She lightly kissed him on his lips. She thought about her parents and wondered if they noticed she wasn’t in her room. She knew her dad was usually the first one up at 6:30. She quietly got out of bed and set Caleb’s alarm for 6:00 and crawled back in bed, snuggling against him.

  The alarm startled her when it went off. It woke Caleb up too. He looked over at Makenzie, who had quickly jumped out of bed to shut it off. “When did you get here?” he babbled.

  Makenzie smiled at him. “Sshhh. I fell asleep here. I woke up in the middle of the night and you were sleeping. I didn’t want to leave you, so I set your alarm so I could sneak back to my room before my dad wakes up.”

  “Oh.” Caleb rubbed his eyes and started to get up.

  Makenzie stopped him. She kissed him sweetly. “No. Don’t get up. Go back to sleep. I’m just going to sneak back to my room and I’m going back to sleep.”

  “Wait. I want to be the first to wish you a happy birthday. I love you.” Caleb whispered.

  Makenzie kissed him again. “Thanks. I love you too.” She walked toward the door and blew him a kiss before she walked out.

  Makenzie lightly opened the front door and softly closed it, locking it behind her. She tiptoed up to her room undetected. No sooner had her head hit the pillow and she was asleep again.