Bluest Eyes in Texas - Book 1 Read online

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  Chapter 7

  Makenzie awoke to a soft knock at her door. She looked over at the clock. It was 9:15. Her mother entered her room carrying a tray of food. Makenzie sat up in bed. “Happy birthday sweetheart!” her mother said as she smiled at Makenzie. She walked over to Makenzie’s side of the bed, leaned over and kissed her forehead, putting the tray in front of her.

  “Breakfast in bed?” Makenzie asked.

  “Yes, darling. Thought you might enjoy it.”

  Makenzie looked over the contents of the tray. There was a glass of orange juice and pancakes shaped like Mickey Mouse’s head. Makenzie recalled how her mother used to make her Mickey Mouse pancakes as a child. She hadn’t done it in years though. Makenzie started tearing up at the memory. “Wow, Mickey Mouse pancakes! Thanks, mom!”

  “Well I’ll leave you to it.” Mom said as she turned to leave.

  Makenzie ate her breakfast and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. She dried off and put on a bra and panties. She glanced at herself in the mirror as she ran her hand over her belly. Oh yeah, the test! Makenzie dressed in a long, pastel pink sundress, grabbed a pair of sandals and headed out the door. She ran into Teddy on the way down. “Happy birthday, Makenzie!” Teddy said as he hugged her. “Where ya headed to?”

  “Thanks, Teddy. Oh I’m just running into town real quick to pick up a few things. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Okay. Well I heard that your dad will be home for lunch to spend some time with you.”

  “I’ll be back before then. See ya later.”

  Makenzie started up her Mustang and took off. She stopped at the drugstore and picked up a pregnancy test. As she walked out of the store she took the test out of the bag and hid it in her purse, throwing away the bag and receipt.

  As she pulled into the circular drive, she caught a glimpse of Caleb out near the pool. She shut off the car and walked toward him.

  “Well. Well. Good morning, birthday girl.” Caleb said as he leaned in to give her a kiss. “I was thinking of taking you back to our spot by the wildflowers for lunch.”

  Makenzie smiled up at him. “I’m sorry. I can’t. My father will be home to have lunch with me.”

  “Oh. I see.” Caleb said as he lowered his eyes. “Well I guess I’ll just see you later tonight then.”

  “I’m sorry, Caleb. Its just that my parents have a charity event to attend this afternoon and this will be his only time with me.”

  “It’s okay. I understand.” Caleb said as he put his arms around her and pulled her close. He kissed her softly. “Come with me. I have something for you.” Caleb grabbed her hand and walked toward his room.

  “Oh you do, do you?” Makenzie asked.

  Caleb stopped right outside his door. “Close your eyes.” He said.

  Makenzie closes her eyes, then quickly opened one eye to try to peek, and giggled when Caleb caught her. “Keep them closed.” He scolded.

  Makenzie could hear Caleb putting his key in the lock and opening the door. He lightly grabbed her arm and pulled her inside, closing the door behind them. She could hear him walk across the room. “Okay. Open them.”

  Makenzie opened her eyes as Caleb was walking towards her grinning, holding a cute Chihuahua puppy in his arms. Makenzie put her arms out for the puppy and Caleb handed it to her. The puppy looked at Makenzie and licked her face. “Oh my God, what is this?” Makenzie said as she smiled and pet the puppy.

  “Happy birthday, Makenzie!”

  Makenzie looked at him as he smiled at her. “You mean it’s mine?” she exclaimed with excitement.

  Caleb laughed. “Yep. All yours.”

  “Oh, Caleb! I can’t believe you did this. Thank you!” Makenzie exclaimed as she hugged and kissed him, the puppy still in her arms.

  “Well that story you told me at the river broke my heart. I know your parents won’t let you keep her, but I figured I could keep her in my room for you and you can come play with her whenever you want. Here.” Caleb said as he handed her an extra key to his room. “This way you can come in even when I’m working.”

  Makenzie smiled at him and accepted the key. “So what’s her name?” Makenzie asked.

  “Well I’ve just been calling her Angel, but you can name her whatever you want.”

  “Angel, huh?” Makenzie held the puppy out and looked at her cute face and smiled. “Why Angel?”

  “I was thinking of your face when I came up with the name.” Caleb replied, looking embarrassed.

  Makenzie smiled. “Angel. I love it.” She sat down on the floor to play with her new puppy. Caleb sat down next to her and petted the dog. “When did you get her?”

  “Yesterday. I had Anna keep her until this morning and made her swear not to tell.” Caleb grinned.

  “Oh so that’s where you went yesterday?”

  Caleb laughed at the look on her face. “Yep.” Caleb said as he leaned over and kissed her cheek. Then started to get up. “Well I have to get back to work. You can stay and play with her if you want.”

  Makenzie looked at the clock. It was already 11:00. Daddy probably won’t be home until noon. “Wait.” Makenzie said as she put Angel down and stood up. She walked over to where Caleb was standing. She threw her arms around him and kissed him sweetly. “Thank you so much. This is my very first puppy. I can’t believe it.”

  “I just want you to be happy.” Caleb replied.

  Makenzie stared into his eyes. “I am happy.” She said as she leaned in to kiss him again.

  Makenzie stayed in Caleb’s room and played with Angel until it was near the time for her father to come home. She made sure the puppy had food and fresh water, kissed it, and snuck out the door, locking it behind her. As she closed the door she heard the puppy start whining. I can’t believe I have my very own puppy, she thought as she headed toward the house.

  “Makenzie is that you?” she heard her mother say.


  “Oh honey, come into the kitchen for a second, would you?”

  Makenzie walked into the kitchen and saw her mother with Maria, putting candles into a large chocolate cake. “Wow. That looks delicious.” Makenzie said as she gawked at the chocolate cake with the pretty pink frosting roses.

  “Oh good. I’m glad you like it. Maria baked it herself.” Natasha said.

  Makenzie glanced over at Maria who looked proud of her creation. “It looks wonderful. Thank you.”

  “Thank you.” Maria replied with a smile.

  “Makenzie, your father will be here shortly to have lunch and celebrate with us. Please find Anna and make sure that Mia looks presentable.”

  Makenzie went upstairs and remembering the pregnancy test in her purse, went to her own room first. She closed the door behind her, locked it and sought a place to hide the test. She looked around and finally decided to put it under her mattress. She left her room and headed for the playroom. She could hear Mia giggling inside.

  Makenzie opened the door. “Hey there she is! Happy Birthday, Makenzie!” Anna exclaimed with a smile as she started to get up from the rug.

  Mia turned her head and ran toward Makenzie. “Happy Birthday, Mak!” she said as she ran into Makenzie’s arms. Anna walked toward them and gave Makenzie a hug.

  “Ahhh thanks guys!” Makenzie smiled. “My mother wanted me to come make sure that Mia was ‘presentable’ for lunch with our father.” Makenzie said as she rolled her eyes. She looked Mia over. She had her hair in pigtails, her face was clean, and she wore a pretty yellow dress. Looks just fine to me.

  “So Teddy mentioned having a pool party tonight. What time are your parents leaving?” Anna asked.

  “Well dad will probably leave right after lunch to go back to the office. He’ll probably go to the charity thing straight from work and send his assistant to pick up my mom. I’d say probably around 3:00. She’s dropping Mia off for an overnight at another kid’s
house, so we’ll have the house pretty much to ourselves. I don’t expect my parents back until well after it gets dark. These charity things usually run pretty late.”

  Anna smiled big. “That’s great! Well I’m going to bring Mia down to Natasha and make sure I have her approval. I’ll be right back.”

  Anna took Mia downstairs to the kitchen where Natasha was. “Excuse me, Mrs. Adams, does Mia look okay?” Anna asked.

  Natasha turned around and looked Mia over. “Yes, Anna. She looks perfect. Do me a favor would you? I need for you to find the rest of the staff and tell them I would like them all to be present in the dining room soon to celebrate Makenzie’s birthday with us.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Adams.” Anna replied.

  Makenzie came downstairs and was surprised by a chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’s’. She looked around and saw her daddy seated at the table, along with all the staff, including Caleb. I can’t believe the staff is all here. What a nice surprise this is. Guess I’ll be having lunch with Caleb after all. Makenzie smiled and said thank you to everyone and took the empty seat across from Caleb. Maria had made braised beef with mixed vegetables for everyone.

  As they ate, Makenzie played footsie with Caleb under the table. Caleb noticed her father watching and tried not to respond. He gave her a warning look and nodded his head toward her father. She smothered a smile and began flicking peas and corn across the table at him. She smiled at him playfully as he moved his arm to block it. “Caleb?” Makenzie said aloud.

  Caleb glanced toward her father and saw that he was looking at him, so he didn’t respond. He turned his eyes back on Makenzie and gave her a stern look, which she brutishly ignored. “Caleb? Caleb? Do you hear?” Makenzie asked as she flung another pea at him and smiled wickedly. “I want to go riding after lunch.” She continued. Caleb nodded his head.

  Every time she looked at Caleb, his eyes were on her. Her father went on and on about work related issues and upcoming renovations he wanted to do on the house. When they were finished eating, Maria and Adriana cleared all the dishes away. Soon Maria emerged with the cake, candles lit, and placed it in front of Makenzie. Her parents started singing “Happy Birthday”. Teddy, Mia, and the staff quickly joined in.

  “Make a wish.” Natasha said when the singing halted. Makenzie looked across the table at Caleb and then closed her eyes. Then she blew out her twenty-two candles. Everyone clapped. Makenzie’s father got up from his seat as her mother gave Maria instructions to cut the cake and start handing it out.

  “From your mother and I.” Her father said as he handed Makenzie a small wrapped box. Makenzie excitedly ripped off the paper and opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond and ruby bracelet.

  “Wow. It’s beautiful. Thanks, Dad. Thanks, Mom.” Makenzie said as she held it up for everyone to see. Makenzie looked over at Caleb, who quickly looked down.

  “Your welcome, princess.” Dad said as he kissed his daughter on the forehead. I figured you might be able to wear it if you go out with Mr. Jones’ son again.” Michael said as he looked at Caleb.

  Makenzie looked over at Caleb, whom was glaring at her. “Uh, dad, I’m not seeing Scott anymore. I only went out with him one time.” Makenzie replied as she flashed a quick smile Caleb’s way.

  “Well that’s a shame. I played golf with his father just last week. Nice, respectable family that boy comes from.” Michael replied as he shook his head.

  “Here, this one’s from me.” Teddy said as he handed her a small wrapped package. Makenzie smiled at him as she accepted the gift. She ripped off the paper, revealing the new country CD she wanted. “Just something small.” Teddy continued.

  “It’s great. Thanks, Teddy.” Makenzie beamed as she kissed his cheek.

  “Mine next! Mine next!” Mia whined as she handed Makenzie a small package wrapped in aluminum foil. Makenzie smiled at her little sister as she unwrapped it. Inside was a homemade macaroni necklace.

  “Thanks. I love it, sweetie!” Makenzie exclaimed as she put the necklace around her neck. Mia smiled ear-to-ear and giggled.

  Maria reappeared with plates of cake. Everyone ate their cake and went their separate ways. Makenzie took her presents upstairs to her room, and then sought out Caleb in the yard. Not finding him, she headed for the stables. Caleb was inside feeding the horses. Makenzie walked up behind him and gently touched his arm. Caleb turned around, looked at her, and resumed working. “What the devil do you want?” he barked.

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Why didn’t you tell him?”

  “Tell who what? What are you talking about, Caleb? Why are you so angry?”

  Caleb turned to face her. “Your father. Why didn’t you tell him about me? You just let him go on and on about Scott Jones.”

  Makenzie let out a sigh. “You don’t understand.” She started to say.

  “Admit it. You’re ashamed of me, aren’t you?” Caleb demanded as he glared at her.

  Makenzie’s expression changed to one of deep sadness. “Is that what you think? Caleb, I love you.” Makenzie said as she threw herself in his arms. Caleb held her and stroked her hair. “You don’t know my parents. They’re not like you and I. I admit, I am afraid to tell them. But it is not because I am ashamed of you. It’s only that I know how they are. They expect me to be with someone like Scott. But I’d die first.”

  “Forget I said anything. I’m sorry, Makenzie.” Caleb whispered as he kissed her. “Come on. Let’s take the horses out for a quick ride like you wanted.”

  When they returned from their ride, Makenzie went to Caleb’s room to play with Angel while Caleb went back to work. Mia would love her. It’s such a shame that Mia will be like me and never have a pet of her own as a child. Makenzie kissed her new puppy and left the room. She saw Anna and Mia playing in the sandbox and approached them. “Mia, come here. I have something I want to show you.” Makenzie looked over at Anna and smiled.

  “What is it?” Mia asked as she put her tiny hand in Makenzie’s.

  Makenzie bent down and looked Mia in the eyes. “Can you keep a secret?”

  “What kind of a secret?” Mia asked, looking interested.

  “I want to show you something, but you have to promise not to tell mom and dad, okay?”

  “Okay.” Mia promised. Makenzie and Mia joined pinkie fingers as they always did when making a promise to each other.

  “What are you doing?” Anna asked, looking perplexed.

  “Sshhh. Come on.” Makenzie replied, holding a finger to her lips.

  Makenzie held Mia’s hand as they walked toward Caleb’s room. Anna followed. Makenzie opened the door and brought Mia and Anna inside. Mia saw the puppy and gasped in excitement as she ran for the small animal. Makenzie stood back and smiled as she watched Mia with Angel. The three girls played with the puppy.

  “I think someone’s here.” Anna announced when she heard the car pull up.

  “It must be Ethan, my dad’s personal assistant. He’s probably here to pick up mom and Mia. Do you have her bag packed?” Makenzie asked.

  “Yes. It’s just upstairs.”

  “We better hurry.” Makenzie said as she closed and locked the door behind her. “You don’t want to keep my mother waiting. She’ll think you incompetent.” Makenzie laughed as she rolled her eyes.

  After Natasha and Mia left with Ethan, Makenzie decided to go up to her room to take a quick shower and change into one of her bikinis. She sat on her bed and remembered the pregnancy test. She pulled it out from under the mattress and read the instructions. It says for best results to test the first urine of the morning. I think I’ll wait to make sure I get an accurate result. Makenzie placed the test back under her mattress and went into the bathroom.

  After her shower, she rummaged through her drawers in search of her new gold bikini. Finding it, she put it on, along with a pair of heeled sandals and headed outside by the p
ool. Teddy, Anna, and Adriana were already out there. Teddy had a small radio that was set to a country music station. There were two packs of hot dogs on the table and a large cooler filled with beer and wine coolers.

  “Where’s Caleb?” Makenzie asked.

  “I just saw him go into his room about twenty minutes ago. He’s probably in the shower. He looked pretty dirty.” Anna replied.

  Makenzie grabbed a wine cooler, kicked off her shoes, and sat at the edge of the pool, putting her feet in the water.

  “Well I’m gonna start the grill.” Teddy said as he got up.

  Five minutes later Caleb showed up and sat next to Makenzie. “Sorry. I was playing with Angel.”

  Angel! “Lets bring her out here. My parents won’t be home until late, so it’ll be okay.”

  Caleb got up and left, returning moments later with Angel in his arms. Angel jumped in Makenzie’s lap and began kissing her frantically on the cheek. Then she jumped down and began exploring the yard. “Is she okay just walking around like that?” Caleb asked.

  “Yeah. The main gates are locked, so she can’t get out.”

  “Hot dogs are done.” Teddy announced. Makenzie and Caleb got up and sat at the table with everyone else to eat. Makenzie heard whining and looked down to see Angel at her feet. She picked her up and set her next to her on the chair, feeding her little bits of hot dog.

  “Everyone in the pool!” Teddy exclaimed as he grabbed Anna and threw her in the pool. Then he did the same to Adriana and jumped in himself.

  Caleb and Makenzie brought Angel back to his room then joined everyone else in the pool. They played around in the water for a while, Caleb holding Makenzie and dancing with her every time a romantic song came on the radio. “Lets get dressed and go for a walk. I want to be alone with you.” Caleb whispered.

  Makenzie smiled up at him and quickly agreed. They got out of the water and wrapped themselves in towels. “I’ll meet you back at your room.” Makenzie said as she kissed him and headed toward the main house.

  Caleb heard a knock on his door and quickly went to open it. Makenzie was standing there in a long white dress. God she’s gorgeous, Caleb thought to himself as he pulled her inside. “You don’t need to knock. I gave you your own key.”

  Makenzie smiled, melting his heart as she always did. “Are you ready to go for a walk?”

  “Yeah. Give me just a minute.” Caleb replied. He went to the kitchen area and grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses.

  Makenzie looked over at him and smiled. “What’s all this?” she asked, motioning to the wine and glasses.

  “Well I thought we would have our own private celebration.” Caleb announced. Makenzie couldn’t stop smiling as she looked over at him. God I’ve never seen a more gorgeous man. I love him so much. Caleb handed Makenzie a blanket to carry and they set off for their walk. It was just starting to get dark, with the first stars coming into view. It was still warm and there was a light breeze. Caleb held Makenzie’s hand as they made their way to their spot by the wildflowers.

  When they finally reached their spot, it was much darker and the sky was glistening with shiny stars. Makenzie spread the blanket on the ground and sat down. Caleb stared at her in awe as the moonlight cast a soft glow on her face. Makenzie looked up at him and smiled, motioning with her hand for him to come to her.

  Makenzie laid back and looked up at the sky. “Wow its so beautiful tonight. Look at how many stars are out. And the moon is so huge. It’s almost magical, don’t you think?”

  Caleb loved watching her get so excited. He lay down next to her and looked up at the sky. “It’s beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.” He whispered as he stared at her. Makenzie looked over at him and smiled. Her heart began beating rapidly as he kissed her. “I love you.” Caleb whispered.

  “I love you.” Makenzie whispered back.

  Their eyes locked and they kissed again. Makenzie spoke of how she loved animals and would like to have a small farm of her own someday, like the one she had shown him. They spoke of marrying someday and having their own family.

  “It’s getting really late. I should get you back.” Caleb said.

  “Oh I’m soooo tired.” Makenzie exclaimed as she started to drag herself up.

  “Come on. Get up here.” Caleb said as he motioned for her to climb on his back. Makenzie climbed on and he carried her piggyback back to the backyard. She leaned her face around and gave him plenty of kisses along the walk back.

  Michael and Natasha got back from the charity event and decided to have a drink out on their balcony. Michael heard the familiar giggle of his oldest daughter and stood up to look. He saw her coming out of the fields on the groundskeeper’s back. He watched as she went into his room with him. Michael’s face grew furious. “Do you see this?” he asked as he glared at his wife.

  Natasha rose and took a look. She saw what her husband had been talking about, narrowed her eyes and shrugged, shaking her head back and forth.

  “How could this be?” Michael went on. “My daughter in the likes of a lowly servant! I shall not stand for it!” he yelled as he angrily turned to leave.

  Natasha stopped him. “Michael, don’t. It’s her birthday. Let her be until morning.”

  Michael paced back and forth on the balcony, outraged at his discovery. “I work hard to give my family everything they could possibly want and Makenzie lowers herself to being seduced by the help. He’s out of here, Natasha. Out of here!”

  Natasha lightly touched his arm. “Michael, calm down. You’re not going to make a scene. If you won’t wait until morning, at least wait until Makenzie is back inside.”

  Caleb gently dropped her to her feet when they reached his door. “Are you coming in for a minute?” he asked as he found his key and unlocked the door. Makenzie nodded. As soon as he opened the door, Angel bounded forward, pressing her paws against Makenzie’s leg, whining. Makenzie picked her up and walked into the room.

  Caleb closed the door and turned the lights on dimly. Then he walked toward Makenzie, staring deeply into her eyes. Makenzie pet the puppy and put her down as she held Caleb’s gaze. He kissed her softly and picked her up, setting her down gently on the bed. Then he made love to her.

  Makenzie and Caleb dressed and he walked her to his door. He opened the door and they stood in the doorway, holding each other and kissing. “I love you so much.” Makenzie whispered.

  “I love you too. My life didn’t begin until I met you.” Caleb whispered back. “Happy birthday!”

  Makenzie smiled up at him. “This was the best birthday I ever had. Thank you!”

  Michael paced some more, then kicked the chair at his feet and finally sat down, breathing heavily. He continued eyeing Caleb’s door until he saw them come out. He watched in anger as he saw them hugging and kissing. His wife was finally able to convince him to wait until morning to confront Caleb.

  Makenzie skipped happily back to the house. She stopped in the kitchen for a cup of tea and brought it up to her room. She undressed and took a long, luxurious bubble bath, all the while thinking of her and Caleb’s future together. She felt her belly and smiled at the idea that she could be carrying Caleb’s baby.

  Michael waited until his wife fell asleep, then he slipped out unnoticed.